Military stories from past to present, both wars.

The Islamic Elephant in the room!!

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 8 Comments »

[caption id="attachment_593" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Burka Babe near Downtown Fort Worth TX"][/caption]   The Islamic Elephant in the Room,  Have you ever heard the old English expression about “The Elephant in the Room?” That’s when there is a topic so toxic that no one ...

Blogger Landmines

Thursday, December 10th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 2 Comments »

Guys, I have been writing on and off for four years now and one of the things in the back of mind is “Will I get hammered for this?” There are opinions that I feel very strongly about and have put ...

Wise words from SgtMaj Sauer USMC

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 2 Comments »

A buddy Dave Hollenbeck, sent this great piece to me that was posted on “Let them fight or bring them home” This fits in well with what I have been talking about lately on Afghanistan.   Jim Sauer is a retired Marine ...

How do you fix a problem like Afghanistan?

Friday, July 31st, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 9 Comments »

Afghanistan? “How do you fix a problem like Maria???” The song from the Sound of Music, which is on TV as I channel surf, reverberates in my head as I sit here thinking about the situation in Afghanistan. How do you fix ...

My vacation back to Afghanistan part one

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 10 Comments »

I have written very little since I returned from Afghanistan last November and part of that has been due to my disappointment over how certain “Non-Profit” support the troops companies are really a “For-Profit” making a tidy income. This will ...

“I’ll be home for Christmas”

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 13 Comments »

“I’ll be home for Christmas” For the first time in 10 years, I will be home for Christmas this year. See, Santa always shows up early for Airline pilots and Military personnel who are on the road serving somewhere in ...

A feel good story that the press won’t pick up…

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 11 Comments »

I think that victory over here can be measured by small battles as we pursue to improve the lives of the Afghan’s. If you step back and look at how business has been done here, it’s an overwhelming feeling ...

VCR, how we make a difference here…

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 Posted in Military | 7 Comments »

Dear Gang, Among all the things that we do out here, there is a group of us who go outside the wire each week and distribute clothes, food and school supplies to the needy of our city. It’s called the ...

Ramadan in Afghanistan

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 4 Comments »

Ramadan in Afghanistan: Well the sliver of the moon was spotted the other night, which marked the beginning of Ramadan here in Afghanistan. What does that mean to the average non Muslim folks like you? Nothing in the States ...

Emails have the half life of an Atom.

Saturday, July 26th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 7 Comments »

Well guys, I could see it coming. The other night, a message was forwarded to me titled “from a Soldier in Afghanistan.” I read the message, thought about it for a minute and then emailed back, “This guy will be ...