Military stories from past to present, both wars.

This week’s Poser Roundups…

April 6th, 2012 Posted in Military, The SandGram v1.0 | 26 Comments »




You guys know my disdain for Posers and there are a ton of them out there recently.

The first is this incredibly fat “Master Gunnery Sgt.”  Who has every award known to man plus he’s a Navy SEAL.  I’m thinking more like a Navy ORCA!  I think his awards go from WWII up to Kuwait but from what I can tell, he skips Vietnam.  Here is “Master Guns ORCA” a Marine’s Marine…


Then we have “Gunny Death” because after 32 years in the Corps he looks like a walking Zombie. Maybe he tells folks that he was part of the 1/9 walking dead!   He has 32 years worth of service time on his sleeves, his EGA’s are backwards and I love his awards.  It looks like the first one is the Kuwait Liberation Medal and he was wounded three times there.  Yep, three times for sure, hell he has three Purple Hearts right next to each other…pretty impressive.


Then, a film maker made a short movie about PTSD using one “1st Sgt Brian Camacho” who pretends to be a Marine Recon guy with tours all over the war.  He should go to Hollywood and try out for films there because he did a fantastic job acting in this piece.  You can see the guy here.  Here is the full piece,  It was blocked from Youtube recently but it’s still here. Oscar material…

**** UPDATE****

His real name is Brian Khan and the Marine Corps Times did a great job on it’s write up.

Then we also have General “AssHat”…He has gone from Enlisted to Major General but somewhere along the line, he wasn’t able to pick up the Officer Dress Blues and just enjoys hanging out in his Old Enlisted Blues with a few modifications, like two stars, Pilot wings, Jump wings.  Really dig the EGA’s on backwards too.  A smoke, smile on his face, setting the General example… I love this guy!

Then someone asked me to check on a Marine “Colonel” in the Dallas area.  Thomas Hughes says that he’s a Lawyer, a Doctor and a Marine Colonel (pretty impressive career).  I wrote to him on FB and didn’t feel like setting the guy up with “Hey Sir how you doing, I think I worked for you” type stuff.  I looked through our Database of Marine Corps Officers and found one retired 05 LtCol who has since passed on.  I ask a retired Marine Colonel friend in Dallas, former Grunt turned JAG Lawyer after Vietnam and he practices Law in the Dallas proper about Thomas Hughes and he’s never heard of the guy.  I found Thomas Hughes on Linkedin with Marine Col in his profile there as well.



So I wrote to him, short and sweet.

Me: “Hello Mr. Hughes, my name is LtCol Bell and someone asked if I could look you up. I couldn’t find you as a retired Col in the Marines in our system.  When did you retire?”

Thomas: “Mr. Bell, I’m not Surprised”

Me: “Surprised? I’m not understanding that?”

Thomas:  “My Friend, it is what it is”  (WTH does that mean? I also hate people that call me friend and I don’t know them.)

Me: “OK Thomas, I take Stolen Valor very seriously, if you were a Marine Awesome. If you weren’t then I am asking you to remove that claim on your FB page.  I’m hoping that you don’t tell me you were a secret agent Marine not listed on the data base I have with EVERY Officer from 1946 to present.

Thomas: “I too take it very serious because it is.  I owe you no explanation nor am I going to debate this with you my friend. I suggest that you have other things that require your attention and it may be where you should direct your attentions.  This may not be where you need to go.”

Guess I was a bit too direct and couldn’t get him to bite.  He blocked me after that but I noticed he still has Col on his Linkedin profile although someone said he took the Col off his FB profile.  You’ll have to tell me and send him a Love note too…

I did find that he has a page on FB called “The American Way”  makes me wonder…the American way is to lie? I don’t know, but here is the screen that HE wrote, not me…

Guys, this is just the tip of the Poser Iceberg we are now facing.  Guys like Orca, Gunny Death, fake 1st Sgt and my mystery Col Thomas Hughes USMC from “1971 to present” are out there growing in their boldness and claims!

Never pass up a chance to challenge anyone you suspect as a poser, just like some Marines did from Terminal when they inquired about me.  They saw me in that profile picture, wearing battle rattle and an Army 05 patch on the front.  I admit, it looks a bit crazy but I just love that shot of cutting the grass all armored up.  (Actually about to leave the compound and I staged that, but told me wife the honey Do’s never end…)

It didn’t take long for me to clear up why I was wearing Army stuff (joint Army tour and no Marine stuff at Camp Eggers) along with some other “I love me shots.”  Thomas could have done the same thing but no, he likes to pretend to be a secret agent Marine thus I have posted his already public profiles and point out a future problem in his life…

Thomas if you are reading this and can provide documentation that you served as a Marine, better yet, how about when you received a commission as a Colonel in the Corps, I WILL APOLOGIZE TO YOU. Otherwise you are now on my SH** list and will be treated as such by others until you apologize or prove you are a Marine because I think you will be receiving a lot of questions from other Marines out there.  Now since you have spent a few minutes here, go check out This Ain’t Hell, they have an almost daily roll call for these posers that pop up with great Op-Ed pieces on them!!

Semper Fi,  Taco

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Michael Yon, Sad, Sad Man

March 13th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 10 Comments »

Michael Yon, shame on you. You are going out of your way to slander this Soldier, CJ Grisham, with your nonsense. I sure wish you would come back to the US,  if only so you could get what you deserve from a process server.  I understand that you really don’t have enough money to sue but if it meant that you had to eat left over beef pad thai the rest of your life then I’m all for it.

I am sure that your readers are enjoying reading all your posts from Thailand and know that you haven’t stepped inside of Afghanistan in awhile.  I’m sure they realize that you delete all posts or comments from your facebook page if it’s not in line with your thoughts.  Sad really.  Yes you are a sad, sad man!!!

To all of his fans out there.  If you think I’m full of crap, go leave a negative comment on either his website or facebook page and see how fast you get banned and deleted.  Yep, I call that fair.  Look at some of these from a screen shot and go back to see how many are still there. Point taken.   The comment I love the most is the last one where she says basically, you are talking about a man going nuts when he hasn’t.  He’s been in combat as a member of our Military unlike you.  He hasn’t killed anyone who wasn’t shooting at him, how about you? Oh yeah,  you have…in a bar fight.  Funny how that works. Mark over at This Ain’t Hell really did a great job talking about this…so go check it out.


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US Soldier kills 10 Afghans

March 11th, 2012 Posted in Military | 2 Comments »

This has just come across the news wire, a US Soldier has allegedly shot and killed 10 Afghans outside of his base in Kandahar.  If this is true, it will lead to more “Blue on Blue” attacks from Afghan Police or Afghan Soldiers who will feel the need to get revenge for the American killings. 

When we mess up with an air strike, we pay about $200 U.S. dollars per death.  That is what an Afghan life is worth over there.  In this situation, even though they pay off the families, I have a feeling you will see a lot of retaliation on behalf of the Afghans as sort of an honor killing on the US.

To all my friends over there, time to watch your back amongst our “Allies” because you never know who’s brother cousin’s sister’s boyfriend was a distant relative of someone shot there and now you are in their crosshairs…

Semper Fi,


RTTNews) – An American soldier, who is said to have been suffering from a nervous breakdown, shot dead at least 10 civilians and wounded five others in a per-dawn incident in the southern AfghanprovinceofKandaharon Sunday.

The unnamed soldier reportedly walked out of his military base in Panjwai district by around 3 am local time and started shooting at civilians in neighboring houses in thevillageofAlkozai, reports said.

A local reporter who visited the site said he saw at least 16 bodies, including those of women and children, belonging to three families from the same village.

The rogue soldier then reportedly surrendered to US military authorities in his base, Western military officials said.

NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said the soldier was arrested, and that U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), in cooperation with Afghan authorities, will investigate this incident. “This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns to the families involved,” ISAF said in a statement.

It referred requests for information regarding Afghan casualties to the Afghan Interior Ministry.

TheUSembassy inKabulissued a travel alert advising against traveling near the military base, where local residents reportedly gathered to protest the killings.

The incident occurs as Afghan anger over the burning of copies of the Holy Koran at aU.S.airbase last month is yet to subside.

It was followed by widespread street protests inAfghanistanthat claimed the lives of at least two dozen people.

U.S. President Barack Obama sent a letter of apology to his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai over the incident.


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Carroll “Lex” LeFon, you are cleared due West…

March 7th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 7 Comments »

Roger that, Lex, you are cleared Due West…

Yesterday, we lost a great Naval Aviator and fellow Milblogger who had the ability to express flight and the emotions of being one with the air that I would say he was a close second to Ernie Gann. Neptune Lex wrote just yesterday about what it was like to fight with a plane when she was out to get you. He was able to overcome that situation but alas he wasn’t able to control this last time.

All of us who fly have had close calls. I mean, the hair on the back of your neck stands up, you become instantly flush and as time slows down and things become very clear, I mean Crystal clear. Being in the air is something you are born with, an innate love that you are never able to shake and we would much rather be up there on any bad day then be stuck behind some cubicle on a good day.

The feeling each time you push up the power, your body being compressed back as your plane races down the runway begging to take off at over 180 miles an hour in a few seconds. That feeling of accomplishment as you land and she touches down ever so gently. It’s something you try to tell your wife but afraid she wouldn’t understand. A mistress who is unforgiving sometimes for no reason at all when things go south.

Carroll LeFon, a retired Navy Captain was a brother in the blogosphere, a guy who I really enjoyed reading. A Naval Aviator that all looked up to. Here is his short Bio on

Carroll “Lex” LeFon is an retired US Navy captain, incipient crank, rapidly aging curmudgeon and used-to-be naval aviator with over 4000 hours in fighter aircraft, predominantly the FA-18C Hornet. His operational experience includes seven carrier deployments, including several in support of Operation Southern Watch, enforcing UN Sanctions in the Southern No-Fly Zone over Iraq. After commanding an operational FA-18 squadron he reported to the USS Constellation in 2001, later serving as her Operations Officer in the Arabian Gulf during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Shore tours include tours as instructor pilot in basic jet training, as an adversary instructor and as the Executive Officer of the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN). He retired from the Navy in 2008, after serving as Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Training on two flag staffs. He is a 1982 graduate from the US Naval Academy with a BS in Political Science, with a Master of Science in Systems Engineering Management from the US Naval Postgraduate School. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the US Navy or Department of Defense.

I for one can never express my grief properly nor can I try. I know what his family is going through right now, and it’s very tough. I would like to think that when I die it will be a bit like “Always” or “A guy named Joe” where I get to come back and help some other poor slob learning to fly. That is all I ask the Lord for, that and the honor of hanging out with my sister in heaven. Carroll “Lex”, Godspeed brother and please make sure that I get vectors West when the time comes for me. You will never be forgotten!

Semper Fi, Taco

the internet will be his Wake today…


Hollywood just died this week…

February 28th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 3 Comments »

Hollywood just died this week…

 Can you imagine the Monday morning studio meeting that just occurred? Everyone in the room, sitting around reading the tallies of their efforts only to find out that a low budget, Pro- American, Pro-Military movie about the Navy SEALs  just took in almost 25 Million dollars the first three days over the weekend?  I mean, it smashed the competition and only cost like 12 million to make.  

I would say that in the real world, they might have been fired for passing on that film but it’s Hollywood where they hate everything American.  So, now instead of coming up with new ideas for films, based off of the success of this SEAL movie they are pitching all sorts of winners… like “Hey, let’s do a remake of the Charlie Sheen Navy SEAL movie and we’ll put him in there as the Commanding Officer and make his Dad the Secretary of Defense.  They could hunt and track down some whacked out Tea Party gang that wants to stop President Obama from getting elected.”  The room is going nuts but before the inks dries on that pitch, they are trying to round up Tony Scott to make the new Kill Osama Bin Laden film.  “Gents, we need to be sensitive to the Muslim’s out there so lets make Osama the repressed hero, maybe throw some scenes of OBL playing with his kids when all of a sudden, these Navy SEALS fast rope on his roof like Santa Claus, bust in his door and kill him as he is acting as a shield to protect his wife and kids.” A loud chorus of cheers as they proclaim that an instant Oscar winner!! 

That is the sad reality of life.  It’s not about making a film with content that has a great story line; it’s about making insane big budget films with the same incestuous narrow like minded idiots who then parade on the red carpet checking each other out.   Muslims, not to be touched, make them aliens or something and bitch at the Pentagon because your movie “Battle for Haditha” looked like crap and message was loud and clear.  We, the military are the bad guys.  If you are making these for the Taliban, great job!! Don’t go crying on my shoulder when it fails here in America. (oh by the way, none of them were convicted of that Haditha incident.)

Guys like Gary Sinese are far and few out there who put their beliefs in front of their career.  He is a guy who truly cares for the troops!!  It use to be that any of the A star actors in Hollywood were former Military.  I mean, Tyron Powers…A Marine pilot, Gene Hackman…A Marine, Jimmy Stewart…Army Air Corps/US Air Force pilot, Lee Marvin…US Marine, George C. Scott…Marines, Clint Eastwood…Army, Elvis…Army and the list goes on. 

Do you see a trend here?  Can you name one present day actor who has served?  I can only tell you the name of one…Rob Riggle who is still a LtCol in the Marine Reserves.  One out of how many thousands of folks who work in the business, I can only find one vet??? 

I’m not talking about the old guys like Harvey Keitel (Marine btw) but anyone in the business in the last 25 years.  Folks that make a ton of cash playing the everyday person doing their job who has served just one tour? 

It’s sad really.  Because being in the Military isn’t patriotic, it’s pathetic in their minds otherwise the culture out there would promote their young to join up.  No instead they raise narrow minded American’s like Dax Shepard who compared Act of Valor to a Nazi propaganda film.  My buddy McQ at Blackfive had this to say as well about this D list actor…

On the other side of the paid movie critics on the studio payroll, you get a review of the movie from Kurt Schlichter who paints the truth for the executives out there so they might understand how this movie has skyrocketed past their garbage 

So guess what Hollywood?  I am part of the 1% of the nation…the one fricking percent who has volunteered to serve our nation.  But there are many like me (millions) who have served, or the spouses of someone who has served.  They are the customers, not your left wing occupy the crack of my ass agenda minded retards.  They are Americans who know who the enemy truly is, what we are fighting about and know guys and gals in the uniform.  

Figure this out and you will have movies that stay in the theater more then two weeks.  Films that everyone wants to own and watch again and again.  All guys in the Military aren’t built like Arnold, we have families and deal with traumatic things going on at home too.  We are normal looking and you don’t have to cast Brad Pitt to play me, more like that dumpy kid…no never mind just use me.  

Good luck and I look forward to bypassing the next 20 imitation SEAL movies you come up with to try and cash in on the real deal.  Also any crap right before the election that involves two hours of President Obama’s raid and five minutes of the SEALs “murdering” Osama. Pretty sure everyone else will figure that one out too and it will go straight to video.  I will attend anything that Mike and Chris make that deals with us, they have our trust now.

Semper Fi,


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Act of Valor…Best Damn Movie going

February 26th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Act of Valor…Best Damn Movie going


O.K., if I could could turn back the fast hands of time to a period in my life, to say age 17, I would do that in a heartbeat.  Why? So that a skinny, Cross Country runner and die hard wrestler who loved to swim, (Me) could try out for the Navy SEALs.  Yes you heard me, Marine be damned, I want to be a NAVY SEAL!


I just left home for the first time in four days, after being Combat Deadlined (sicker then a dog) and reading everyone else’s opinion of the Movie “Act of Valor” who watched it on Friday like my buddy John at This Ain’t Hell.  Yes, it was a foot sweater, maybe it was partly my fever kicking in halfway through the movie, but definitely it caused puddles of nervous sweat in my shoes.

This movie gave you the first person feeling of what it’s like to be on the Teams.  It basically includes you on any one of the many scenarios’ going down around the world doing real world ops on any given day.

They didn’t just focus on the Stans or past stuff ofIraq, although there are so many true stories that occurred there, they picked up on a very plausible terrorist threat to our Nation and mixed up all sorts of bad guys in the process along with things the SEALs have really done or trained for.

Our members of the Military were portrayed as the thinking, smart, fearless men that they never seem to get the credit for in Hollywood.  Black Hawk down is one movie that did a great job to me, conveying real camaraderie between the men.  You also went into that movie knowing it was a real world op gone horribly wrong.  So, sort of like the Titanic, you knew the outcome of the movie, but the true real life personal sacrifices and bonds between brothers were effectively put on the big screen which makes it a must own Military movie.  Act of Valor will also be on that list for me.

Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh did such a fantastic job on this project and I can only hope that they alternate and do one for the Corps (Recon) and the Army Special Forces along with Delta with some Air Force PJ’s thrown in there because it would be a boost to what the old WWII patriotic films were all about and not the crap that Hollywood produces like “Lions for Lambs” where we who serve in the Military are the bad guys.  I walked out of that theater with my head held high, a tear in my eye for the departure of a buddy and the knowledge that there are men like those on the screen who are living out their duty with little fanfare.

We who serve are maybe just 1% of the nation’s population and those who qualify and make to any branch of Special Ops are somewhere in the .0001% of the best of the best.  They may not like this movie or the fanfare associated with it, but I can tell you that there are men like me who will always buy you a beer for what and who you are!!

There is a reason this film is number one in the United States, so go find out yourself and it will be perfectly clear  why the Navy Recruiters office will have a standing room only, take a number response for the next several years.  Mike and Scott, if you do read this, please know you have done a great job and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing patriotism back to the big screen…

Semper Fi,


*** UPDATE from the Makers of Act of Valor****




A Motion Picture Unlike Any Before Unfolds

On Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD June 5


LOS ANGELES, CA (April 5, 2012) – The only easy day was yesterday.  In the Bandito Brothers’ ACT OF VALOR, an elite military force, portrayed by active-duty U.S. Navy SEALs, carries out an impossible mission with insane courage and incredible teamwork in one of the most gripping and emotionally charged movies of the year.  Landing June 5th from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, the ACT OF VALOR  Blu-ray and DVD is loaded with extras including several deleted scenes, interviews with Navy SEALs, director’s commentary, exclusive featurettes, including a look at the real bullets and tactics used during filming, and much more! ACT OF VALOR was theatrically released by Relativity Media on February 24th and became the No. 1 movie in America in its debut.


An unprecedented blend of real-life heroism and original filmmaking, ACT OF VALOR stars a group of active-duty U.S. Navy SEALs, alongside actors Roselyn Sanchez, Alex Veadov, Jason Cottle and Nester Serrano, in a film like no other in Hollywood’s history.  A fictionalized account of real life Navy SEAL operation, ACT OF VALOR features a riveting story that takes audiences on an adrenaline-fueled, edge-of-their-seat journey.


When a mission to recover a kidnapped CIA operative unexpectedly results in the discovery of an imminent, terrifying global threat, an elite team of highly trained Navy SEALs must immediately embark on a heart-stopping secret operation, the outcome of which will determine the fate of us all.


ACT OF VALOR combines stunning combat sequences, up-to-the-minute battlefield technology, and heart-pumping emotion for the ultimate action adventure film–showcasing the skills, training and tenacity of the greatest action heroes of them all: real Navy SEALs.


Produced and directed by former Baja 1000 champion Mike “Mouse” McCoy and former stuntman Scott Waugh, and written by Kurt Johnstad (300),  the ACT OF VALOR Blu-ray and DVD arrives June 5th just in time for Father’s Day.



  • Deleted Scenes
    • Christmas in the Barracks
    • MREs
    • Shabal in Winter Palace
    • Christo’s House
    • Shabal on Boat
    • Shabal in Kiro
  • Director’s Commentary



All of the above DVD special features, plus…


  • Interviews with the Navy SEALs
    • Rorke
    • Dave
    • Mikey
    • Ray
    • Sonny
    • Ajay
    • Weimy
  • Featurettes
    • Making Of
    • Real Bullets
    • Real SEALs Real Tactics
    • Silent Warriors
    • “For You” Music Video by Keith Urban
    • Making of the Music Video
    • Director’s Intro





About Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, LLC (TCFHE) is a recognized global industry leader and a subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, a News Corporation company. Representing 75 years of innovative and award-winning filmmaking from Twentieth Century Fox, TCFHE is the worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox film and television programming, acquisitions and original productions on DVD, Blu-ray Disc Digital Copy, Video On Demand and Digital Download. The company also releases all products globally for MGM Home Entertainment. Each year TCFHE introduces hundreds of new and newly enhanced products, which it services to retail outlets from mass merchants and warehouse clubs to specialty stores and e-commerce throughout the world.

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The Party is over

February 25th, 2012 Posted in Military | 1 Comment »

The Party is over










I have to say that I truly believe this party in Afghanistan is officially over.  The latest attack, murdering two mentors at MOI, a Major and an Air Force Lt Colonel along with two Soldiers last week is beyond what is expected of our troops over there.  I was always leery of the Afghans I worked with, but I never expected one of them to put an AK-47 to the back of my head and pull the trigger as I was walking down the halls of their “Pentagon” so to speak.

Let’s face reality.  How much money have we dumped into that crap hole of a country to keep it afloat?  Billions, every month with a Capital B!!  How much money have they (Ministers/Generals) stolen from us and siphoned every week to their private bank accounts in Dubai? Untold Millions each, that’s how much.  Am I making this up? Not a chance and in ’09 I met the FBI task force that was finally assembled and sent over there to track funds.  Day late dollar short in my mind but glad they are doing it.

When we first attacked Afghanistan, it meant something.  It was home to the Taliban and AQ, also the base for Osama Bin Laden.  We routed the Taliban out of there back to Pakistan(another Ally we give BILLIONS to) so from my point of view we should have quit while we were ahead.

Then we made a left turn and went into Iraq.  Looking back, I’m thinking a poor choice of policy but we did it just the same.  I went there for a tour, witnessed for myself the death and dismemberment that our boys went through as we began the new phase of US diplomacy, Nation Rebuilding.

I have to say that it seemed we were in a war against Islam.  You can call the bad guys “Insurgents” or “Radical Muslims” but the bottom line is they were fighting for a belief based on a religion.  Doesn’t that sound like a war against Islam?  The part no one seems to understand is that they can turn on you in a second based off of what the Imam tells them to do.

So back to Afghanistan, we burn a bunch of old books, containing some Korans that the prisoners at the BTIF used to pass notes back and forth to.  They weren’t flushing them down a toilet or disrespecting them in numerous ways that could be done. They were already defaced by the prisoners.  The locals, who are most likely 98% illiterate, saw the Korans being burned and went nuts.  We burn our Flag that way, it’s the proper way of respect  if you look it up. (I don’t get many hits from the Kabul because they can’t read I guess)

We began the bowing motions of how sorry we were about this whole thing . I don’t think they went nuts like this over the Five Marines giving the dead Taliwackers a golden shower did they?  Once again it’s all about religion or what they perceive as Religion.  I see all that bowing had a big effect on these retards, they shot another two of our Soldiers point blank and I don’t hear our President demanding satisfaction over this.  (Makes you think we care more about books then our own)

Who can you trust?  One day they are your buds, the next day they are shooting you in the back or killing their fellow soldiers at Fort Hood.  I forget, was Nidal Hasan Catholic? He must have been because no peace loving Muslim would do that to their fellow Soldiers right?  just another work place shooting minus his cries of “Allah Akbar.”  Now you can throw Tim McVeigh back in my face and I will accept the fact that he was a non Muslim terrorist, the problem is that he was about the only one.  All the other cases of attacks (Blue on Blue) as we call them, are mostly Muslims (either US or otherwise) against their fellow Soldiers.

I know we have to be sensitive to their needs but maybe it’s time to pull out ASAP and say screw their feelings.  They have had ten years to work out it.  Let them make a go at it.  You know what will happen the minute we leave right? President Karzai, his family and all of his Ministers will be on every seat out of Kabul International for that direct flight to Dubai.  I’m talking faster then the fall of Saigon, those puppets without the backing of the US and what ISAF partners we have left will flee that hole.   The Marines will be busy guarding that nice big Embassy there alone and unafraid.  Mark my words.  It will happen… and know that a book is worth more then your life so be careful over there!!



PS.  President Obama, it wasn’t a tragic killing of two US Service members …it was outright Murder.  Where is the tragedy in that? I’m sorry Ma’am, your husband is dead because of a tragic misunderstanding over the burning of books that while it means an awful lot to them they can’t read it.  Just glad my wife didn’t have to endure that call.

Readout of the President’s Call with General Allen


This afternoon, President Obama called General John Allen, Commander of U.S. Forces and the NATO International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, to discuss the ongoing violence in Afghanistan and the tragic killing of two U.S. servicemembers this morning. On behalf of the American people, the President expressed his condolences to General Allen and to the families who lost loved ones. The President thanked General Allen for all of the measures he is taking to protect our servicemembers and civilians in Afghanistan and to encourage calm. We welcome President Karzai’s statement this morning encouraging peaceful expressions, and his call for dialogue and calm. The United States remains committed to a partnership with the government and people of Afghanistan, as we work to realize our shared goal of disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda and strengthening the Afghan state.



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Staff Job in the Stans.

February 20th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

All, this comes from my buddy, Mr. Wolf and we are trying to get this info out to some of our vets who have experience over in the Stans and want this staff job…

I have a job posting I’d like to get out there as far as possible.  Again, trying to help vets get some good paying jobs.

This on is in Afghanistan, but its for a GREAT company, bennies are good, and the salary is incredible (way over 100k).  The stint can be as short as 6mo, as long as a year; others can be negotiated. 

Here is the job descrip:

A Strategic Communications Planner is needed in Afghanistan to assist USFOR-A elements in planning operations.  Those with a joint background in Info Ops, PSYOP, Public Diplomacy, Commercial Marketing or Influence Modeling are highly desired.  The job requires USFOR-A staff integration and synchronization with the position, and developing the information flow as it relates to PMESI or DIME as well as tribal issues in the AOR.  The individual should have experience with and knowledge of strategic messaging processes and planning.  Experience with Military Police or IO is highly desired.  They should also be highly familiar with the GIRoA and the mission areas.  Minimum requirements are a SECRET or TOP SECRET security clearance, 5 years of experience, and excellent written and oral communication abilities; experience making reports and briefing General Officers and developing products to that level are required.

If you have questions, and would like to submit a resume’, please do so to as soon as possible. 

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SgtMajor 101

February 14th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 3 Comments »


This came from Afghanistan and with comments that made me spit up my coffee this morning.  We’ll call it Command Sgt Major 101…they mean well.  Guess they could say that about my writing too!



 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: FOUO

 I just wanted to take a moment of your time to express how I feel about those that believe there is a difference in tactical warrior capability and garrison Soldierly duties.

 (One sentence is not a paragraph.  Paragraphs have an overall thematic sentence, followed by two or more supporting sentences. Simply tossing out one-off sentences as a paragraph is bad writing.)

 There is no need to reply back to this message (unless you feel you need to) as these are simply my concerns from recent observations and discussions on the CG’s Change of Command and the standards of discipline and responsibility the CG and I have directed with 25th ID Leaders on Schofield Barracks and Wheeler.

 (Again, one sentence is not a paragraph.  Moreover, using nine subordinate clauses in one sentence goes beyond run-on, and borders on the intentionally confusing.  The Army actually does have a style manual—you may want to peruse it prior to sending a missive about standards.)

 I truly hope you see the passion I have for this Division and assist me in making every Soldier/Leader (to include you) the most combat effect and disciplined Soldier in our profession of arms.

 (Sigh.  I guess you are just going to keep rolling with the one-liners.  Also, I don’t know how to make a soldier or leader “combat effect.”)

 I know we have NCO’s that are struggling with why they should have to do military parade ceremony’s or policing other community/unit areas when those things are not in-line with their war-time mission preparation, or because they should be initialed to “NOT” do those type of events so they can stay focused at the tactical level.

 (NCOs, not NCO’s.  Ceremonies, not ceremony’s.  As for being initialed, I have no idea what you are trying to convey.)

 The discipline in enforcing and applying Army garrison standards and Army regulation (AR) 600-20 “Customs and Courtesies” is directly in-line with the tactical application of your Soldiers ability to effectively conduct your units war-time mission. ( I forgot one:  AR 600-20 is Army Command Policy.  AR 600-20 says f**k-all about ceremonies, parades, drill, formations, or work details. FM 7-21.13, (Chapter 4) covers customs and courtesies (The Soldier’s Guide) and FM 3-21.5 covers Drill and Ceremonies. You’d think a Division Command Sergeant Major would know that–at least know enough to quote the proper Manual (formerly called the Manual for Customs and Courtesies, and not an AR–Army Regulation.  Two COMPLETELY different things.) We are duty-bound to respect and follow our commanders in the most extreme hostile environment, so we must demonstrate just as much respect and honor to that person/position (Officer or NCO) in our demonstration of garrison duties and ceremonies. Every NCO is obligated to enforce strict military customs, courtesies, and discipline so our Soldiers have the opportunity (even if they don’t want to) to demonstrate and display their respect and discipline within their units and themselves.

 (Soldiers’ ability.  As far as “Garrison Standards,” I thought there was only one standard, applicable throughout the Army.  Also, not every word that shows up in your spell check is simply in need of hyphenation.  Some of them, like wartime, are actual compound words, others are separate words, like duty bound.)

 If your subordinate (or superior) leaders don’t want to do a ceremony for any reason it is a good gage to see if that leader deserves to be in that position of responsibility if they can’t handle a simple garrison ceremony or detail as they prepare for war…yes, it is hard at time, that’s why it’s called military “service”.

 Period goes inside the quotation marks.  So if a commander believes that, for instance, a unit conducting a weapon qualification range is more important than attending the Commanding General’s monthly retirement ceremony, then he is, in your estimation, unworthy of command?  What happened to “We are duty-bound to respect and follow our commanders…” and “we must demonstrate just as much respect and honor to that person/position…?”  Are you asking Noncommissioned Officers to gauge (not gage) whether a superior officer deserves to be in the position they hold?  Aren’t those positions chosen by officers superior to those officers, and often, by the department of the Army?

 I know military ceremonies are hard and demand the strictest of Army discipline with much rehearsal and practice (just like combat missions), (No one ever tried to kill me at a parade) which is why we should always send a message during every CoC or CoR (down to Company level) to those observing that the Warriors of 25th ID are not only tactical expert war fighters (that’s a good place for hyphens) but also disciplined, high standard Soldiers in garrison. This is the units and Soldiers opportunity to show their respect and discipline to the unit (not just the person taking it) and display the “Courage” to enforce precision and order no matter how bad the weather is, the time standing at parade-rest on the parade field, or the uniform worn during the event. We all know nothing grows from “ease” or “comfort”, whether we dread or empower the challenges of garrison duties we must face them each day and avoid the easy trail. (Have you been drinking?) As Leaders of our nations (nations’) warrior class we must see this as a tool to become better and develop the art of mastering courage by enforcing the standards of discipline in our garrison duties and teach, coach, and mentor it in our Soldiers and subordinate Leaders. (Are you seriously trying to tell me that discipline and courage under fire comes from gleefully standing in formations under the tropical sun, while commander after commander reflects to no one in particular the great things he thinks he’s accomplished?)

 Again, it will be hard, (that’s what she said) but it is the right thing to demonstrate especially as we prepare for other war-time (wartime) operations around the globe. We must challenge our Soldiers, Leaders, and formations with these types of events to keep them grounded to be tactically proficient in the field and draconianly (I do not think that word means what you think it means) strict on garrison standards of discipline.

 I will send out a quarterly Division-CSM message at the end of the month for all Division Soldier/Leaders to read with parts of this message in mind and hope the areas I address are in-line with your leadership style also. (You better feel the same way I do.  I will send out a message in two weeks saying essentially what I just said, but I think I will have someone proofread that one, so I don’t sound like I failed eighth grade writing composition—twice.)

 Thank you for your time and patience with this message and please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your Warriors.  (Well, you could stop having so many pointless parades and ceremonies…)

 “Tropic Lightning!”



Command Sergeant Major, USA

Division Command Sergeant Major

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Another Marine Poser POS bites the dust…

February 11th, 2012 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 19 Comments »

Another one…. This poser decides to show up at a Marine Recruiting Station in NY.  I mean, if you are going to pretend to be a Marine, go hang out with the Army, we are Greek to them and vice versa.  Hanging out with Marines who know the order of ribbons on your chest and something about OCS and have worked around Marine Officers enough to smell a phony is never going to end well.  I don’t have this posers name yet, but it’s only a matter of days and I’ll follow up on him.  In this case he was arrested by the local PD before he was able to do something that could hurt the Corps like abducting a High School Student or something weird… Feel free to leave a comment on this so when he gets out of jail and googles this, he’ll know how real Vets and American’s feel about Stolen Valor!!


His real name is Jorge Emilio Bermudez.  He was was hanging out talking to the Staff in the RSS when the XO came in for a promotion ceremony.  After the XO started asking him questions (It takes about 3 questions to drill down to spot a poser) Jorge fled the RSS.  The XO and one of the Marines followed him out while making a call to the police.  The PD showed up in about five minutes and arrested ole Jorge while the real Marines detained him.  He had a fake DOD ID card which I’ve seen and a pretty good copy I might add but it has no place on the web for others to duplicate so no picture.  The uniform was spot on except for the ribbons and a good to go DOD  Military ID until you held it, which makes this a dangerous combination.  This has far reaching implications for home grown terrorist attempting to breach a base or a wack job trying to pick up a gal to rape.  Hat’s off to the XO for snagging this poser/threat and getting him off the streets.  The State is going to charge him with a Felony for possession of a fake DOD ID. I hope he gets jail time and I for one will fly up to enjoy his trial… 

This pretend Captain showed up in Uniform to hang out at the local RS, I mean A fleet Marine on leave wearing his Dress Blue Charlie’s and hanging out
at the RSS?? How many times have you gone on leave, put your uniform on and went to “hang out” at a recruiting station, one that you weren’t even
recruited from?

Part of this is from the letter sent out from the Command, part my take…

The Turd claimed he is a member of some shady unit; in this case he was a cryptologist who works at the NSA in Washington DC.  (they always claim to be part of some secret unit.  As soon as someone says it’s Classified, red lights should be going off in your head)

There is something off about how the person carries himself. 

He refused to show his military ID, said he lost it. (This guy had an obviously fake military ID)

Once he took of his tanker jacket, he was wearing a scuba bubble, jump wings multiple awards, NAM with 2 stars, CAR, and others out of order.  (Usually they try to give themselves more bling.  His set up is not out of line for a Captain/03 rank which would let him blend in more.)

This last part from the XO is the take away all Military should heed no matter what branch or where you are!! Civilians, if you have doubt then there is no doubt, have the person checked out…

Marines, there is no one better prepared to identify an impersonator other than us. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for ID, no matter what
rank. If you catch someone who you think is an impersonator, call the cops, take pictures Again, be vigilant…

Semper Fi,


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