Military stories from past to present, both wars.

The New SandGram…

April 8th, 2008 Posted in Site News | 28 Comments »

Dear Gang,
If you are reading this, then you found out I have moved. This was a goal I had six months ago and spurred on by my Uncle Bruce who helped me get the domain name for the Sandgram. We started to use MS Frontpage, but that is more for websites and not blogging so I was a bit at a loss on converting over from Blogspot.
After having dinner with Marcus from A Soldier’s Perspective, he volunteered to take on the task of converting me to WordPress. Let me tell you something, I’m like a fourth grader when it comes to playing with the programs needed to accomplish this task, but he made it look easy. His fingers were gliding over the keys, mouse clicking, dragging stuff, and putting it here and there at Hyper sonic speeds. I owe him more the 12 pack of beer I bought for the night’s work and owe his awesome wife a big debt of thanks for letting me borrow him for six hours of playing on the computer. So Marcus, if you are reading this, you are my new hero!!!
Guys, welcome to my new site, it’s going to be a bit rough at first, but I’m looking forward to some fun entries over the next couple of months as I head over to Afghanistan. I will be filling you in on how to apply for a job over in the war and what it takes to mobilize. Until then, take care and talk to you soon.
Semper Fi,

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Change in Orders

March 30th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »

Hey Guys,

I have started my journey to Camp Lejeune NC where I’ll start the three weeks of training to prepare for my deployment. I have to say that the tide of the war has surely been changed forever!

Since I will be stationed with the State department, they offered me a chance to participate in a new program. If I extend my orders to 18 months, then I can take my family over with me. T and I discussed this as we were doing our Yoga this morning, and have decided to accept these new and exciting orders. We figured it would be a great educational experience for the children to say that they lived in Afghanistan.

Our soon-to-be five-year-old was very excited over the news and will be measured for her first Burka Monday at Burka’s R-US in Dallas next to the Islamic world-wide education center.

The children will attend a local school near the base where T has applied to be a teacher. We’re not clear if she will be able to drive or not so the taxi service might be our newest best friend.

Afghanistan will be an incredible assignment and anyone interested in visiting will always have a place to stay in our new Former Taliban palace. All I can say is that the Tea will always be on, and there will be fresh Lamb chops for dinner. I’d like to thank T for her tremendous support in this decision!!

Look forward to hearing from you all soon and an early Happy April’s Fool Day too!

Semper Fi,

For those who think I’m serious, this is a joke!!!

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Reporting for Duty

March 28th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

The countdown begins till I deploy…


Semantics, The Rebuilding in Iraq…

March 21st, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »

You know, I’m tired of hearing people talk about the “Iraq War.” When you think about it, we aren’t at war in Iraq. As my Uncle Bruce pointed out, we are in the “Reconstruction of Iraq” right now. The last I heard, we won the war; hell, we kicked the Iraqi’s military back in ’91 and again in ’03. Right now we are helping them rebuild their country in addition to improving their security.

Think about it; we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, firebombed their cities to dust, and then went in there and rebuilt their country as well. While we are on the subject of a “Do-over,” how about Germany? Man, we bombed the living hell out of their country as well, and look at the modern cities they got out of it. Both Countries are doing pretty well in the grand scheme of things I must say, and all thanks to the United States since most of the European countries were flat broke after the war or leveled by the armies of both sides. We even had to fight an insurgency in Germany in the years following the end of the war.

The American Military was present during the reconstruction for years after the cessation of hostilities in 1945, and to a great extent, are still there. Funny thing is look at former Eastern Germany; it still looked very much like it did after the dark days of WWII thanks to Russia and we got to see it when the wall came crashing down in ’91. Now maybe the Russians were keeping the Germans down after getting millions of their guys killed on the Eastern Front, but somehow I think Stalin was just a flat-out, mean guy, who then turned around and killed millions of his own people in the years that followed VE day. So the last thing he wanted to do was rebuild the country that kicked his behind.

With all this said, let’s no longer call it “The War in Iraq,” but call it what it really is, “The Reconstruction of Iraq” since we are building schools, hospitals, and the things that they need to live. Then, when all the protesters come out to march, they will be holding up signs that say “Pull out of Iraq, don’t help them anymore.” Kind of funny, just by changing a few words, you change the whole prospective of what this thing really is. While we help the Iraqis, we are not really fighting Iraqis.

But we are being attacked by Muslim terrorists from other countries. So that means we are fighting a war against Muslim Terrorists. We’re at peace with the Iraqi Government; we’re just at war with Muslim terrorists. The next time someone mentions “The war in Iraq,” stop him or her right away and say, “We’re not at war in Iraq, we’re rebuilding it.” They will come back with that we are fighting over there. That’s correct, our troops are fighting terrorists, but so are about thirty other countries too. If you start going around the world, country by country, you’ll see that most are having problems with Muslim terrorist too, so that makes it a “World-wide War on Terror.” But as to a War in Iraq, we’re at peace and working with the Iraqi Government, so I’d say that we’re rebuilding it.”

Now if enough people started saying this and the cable talk shows and radio shows began calling it what it is, then I think folks’ perspective would change as to what we truly are doing there.

So all together now “It’s not a war in Iraq, it’s a reconstruction of Iraq.” Semantics…that’s all.
Semper Fi,


Update #6 from Major Tucker

March 14th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Dear Family and Friends:

In a short time I will begin my journey out of Iraq to Kuwait and back home to the United States and my family. First and foremost, I am grateful for having had this opportunity to serve the Corps once again and to have been here during a critical phase of the American military experience in Iraq.

My unique job here provided me with a chance to live and observe Marines at the small unit level and it afforded me unfettered access to a variety of units and operations in Iraq that only a few outside those units ever see and experience. The other day I quickly tallied the cumulative distance I have flown in helicopters crisscrossing Anbar Province and they add up to somewhere over three thousand miles. Add to that number the few hundred miles on the roads in tactical convoys and mounted patrols and the innumerablevisits to Combat Outposts, Joint Security Stations, Patrol Bases, and Forward Operating Bases and you begin to get some limited sense of myodyssey.

There are many memories I will take with me, most of them positive, a few sobering, and some dispiriting. Several of my thoughts and impressions of Iraq, like the war itself, remain unresolved. To fully capture the experiences I have had here would be beyond the scope of this email, so I will try to convey my perspectives with regards to the situation here, a blend of fatalism, pessimism, and optimism.

Many back home say that the United States should not have gone to war in Iraq in 2003. This is the one position I have agreed with since before the war began, because as a student of history and a military man, I found it strategically unwise to open up a distinctly different front while we were engaged in Afghanistan. That strategic decision exposed how ill prepared we were for the sort of war we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, a type of war that requires a different military mindset and significant non-military expertise and resources. We have spent the better part of the last five years trying to make up for those deficiencies and to a great extent we have succeeded when it comes to military training, tactics, and techniques.

However, much work remains to be done with respect to the resources dedicated to the non-military side. For now, the task at hand is to find a militarily sound, politically reasonable, and cost effective means to help the Iraqis maintain security and stability, foster economic growth, and reform their institutions of government. It is reasonable to ask, “Are we and the Iraqis making meaningful progress?” Based on what I have seen and heard, from the walks through Iraqi towns and talks while drinking tea in people’s homes to the briefings I have listened to, I would have to say yes, we are making progress. But much of that progress is occurring on more of an Iraqi timeline and in the context of what is feasible for Iraqis, not what we Americans expect or desire.

Some suggest that we ought to simply withdraw and that act, in and of itself, will get the Iraqis moving toward resolving many of their outstanding issues. Well, we are withdrawing to a limited and prudent extent and the Iraqis are aware that our presence will decrease in the coming year. In some ways, their leaders are probably more anxious than we are about our Presidential election. They know that as we reduce our presence, they will have to solve more problems on their own. I don’t think a rapid withdrawal, as some envision it, would be prudent, because it would be destabilizing,put many Iraqis and Americans at risk unnecessarily, and jeopardize our gains at many levels.

The gradual, incremental approach we are taking with respect to security, rule of law, and governance seems the best way to effect a transition that will have a better probability of success in the long run.What is the “long run”? Well I can’t predict how the future will play out, but if we want to see a viable and stable Iraq, I expect we will need an American presence, civil and military, at least until the Iraqis determine that we are not needed, which may not be for several more years.

The security agreements being negotiated now will probably allow us to remain here beyond that point, more likely for technical and logistics support and with a shallower “footprint”. In the near term though, if certain conditions are met with respect to security this year, I can foresee a further reduction in the American military presence by the end of 2008 and possible further reductions in forces in 2009. Five years into this war, many Americans are right to ask “What have America’s resources done for the average Iraqi?” who still struggles with getting clean water, adequate fuel and electricity, and confronts an unemployment rate of at least twenty five percent.

As I mentioned earlier, security has improved dramatically since this time last year. Iraqi confidence in the local police and judiciary are essential elements of the move toward a functioning society with respect for the rule of law. The slow evolution of these elements is the subject of much attention and frustration here, but there are signs of incremental progress. The credit for the decline in daily violence against Americans and Iraqis can be credited in large part to a combination of American and Iraqi courage and cooperation at the neighborhood levels in cities across Anbar, with Iraqis (mostly Sunnis in Anbar, Shiites in other provinces) informing police and the military of insurgent activities and men standing guard at checkpoints as members of armed neighborhood watch patrols.

The insurgents, for their part, are still indiscriminately attacking civilians and security forces, but with limited effectiveness. Several days ago, near a neighborhood watch post north of here, an Iraqi on watch foiled a suicide vehicle born IED by shooting the driver before he could reach the checkpoint. The car exploded short of its target, killing the driver and wounding the Iraqi sentry. His swift action prevented serious injuries and damage. But it is not just the Iraqis responsible for security who are standing up for security in their communities. Recently in Ramadi, the provincial capital, a suicide bomber entered a restaurant, but before he could detonate his explosives, the owner tackled him. The would be bomber broke free and fled on foot, pursued by Iraqi Police, who shot and killed him.

Much is made in the news of the violent and spectacular attacks that succeed, but you rarely hear of everyday Iraqis fighting against the insurgents and thwarting attacks. When will these sorts of attacks end? I suspect Iraq will experience some level of this sort of violence for years to come, but we are at the point where this sorts of sporadic violence has yet to sow widespread fear and disrupt the momentum and desire for progress.

When I think about progress here I am reminded of a foot patrol I was on a few weeks ago in Fallujah, with a squad of Marines and a team of Iraqi Police. We passed a school that had been refurbished using Iraqi labor and Marine reconstruction funds. It had reopened a month or so ago and was just letting out for the day. A cold wind spattered rain and blew trash down the street. Mothers rushed their children along to get out of the weather and our path, while the happy chatter of grade school girls dressed in colorful garb and crowding at the corner broke the drab surroundings and the silence.

As we walked by them we were greeted with shy smiles and waves from the girls and a few deadpan looks from the teenagers, who like teenagers everywhere, were trying to appear tough and unaffected. Moments like that illustrate to me that Iraq’s future,the youth, may finally be experiencing a new sense of normalcy. On our patrol route down dirty alleyways and roads, we said hello to every adult and child we encountered, while the Iraqi Police handed out candy to the kids who trailed behind us or ran to greet us. Along the way, the Marines joked with some of the kids who they knew fro
m their frequent patrols in the area. Fifteen years from now, if these same kids have grown up in a neighborhood free of the violence their parents knew,received an education, and been able to marry and find a decent job,those will be significant measures of our success.

Through it all, it is important for us to keep in mind that the Iraqis are learning what it means to govern themselves and how to hold their elected representatives accountable. Given their history and the recent attempts to reform their government and find common ground, you can imagine that much hard work and sacrifice remains. It will simply take time for Iraqis to bridge these divides while making and coordinating everyday decisions at the local, provincial, and national levels. Their list is long and daunting: expand and train the army and police, develop the expertise to establish a fair and functioning justice system that respects the rule of law, harness the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to irrigate large tracts of arable land and provide power for businesses,and deliver basic services to the people.

Those back home who expect some magical moments of self reliance and reconciliation must understand that these will not manifest themselves as moments in time or singular events, but through the cumulative ebb and flow of negotiation and compromise within a society where religion and politics are intertwined. In this environment, there are varying degrees of societal resistance to solving seemingly intractable problems, like prevalent corruption and sectarian conflict. With the gains that have been made in the past year,there is now an urgent need for Iraqi leaders to roll up their sleeves and work together to instill a sense of popular confidence in their government before their people begin to lose hope. If they can seize this moment in time, America will witness the growing legacy of a worthy sacrifice.

Semper Fidelis,
Brooks D.Tucker Major, USMCR


the Home Front Hero’s of this war

March 11th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

When serving in the Military, you take for granted that folks will die. Crazy as this sounds to me, you just know that if a buddy didn’t make it out of his plane or an IED blows up next to a guy you are friends with, it was part of their job. We are a unit, all brothers in arms, and we all feel that loss. There is also another Corps of folks out there supporting our Military Men and Women every day. They don’t receive medals for what they do, nor will you see their obits run in any national paper under the death toll of the war, but they help keep the morale of our men and women to the level where this thing is bearable and in my mind, are the backbone of our Military.

I have made many Cyber friends through my experience in Iraq. Some, I’ve had the honor of meeting in the last two years, and still many more keep in contact via email. These folks span many states and spend countless hours either on the computer writing our troops or standing in line at the post office to send a package of support.

So, when one of them dies, I feel the loss as one of our own has passed. In the last twelve months, I have lost two of my biggest supporters. The first was a mystery woman named “Betty.” Actually, the letters were always signed “The Two Betty’s” because as it turned out, Betty had moved in to take care of her mother, also named Betty, and together they picked out Marines and Soldiers on to support. Being a crazy Marine, I had posted a request for help tracking down the agent of Catherine Bell, the Marine LtCol actress from the TV show J.A.G. It was my intent to get her over for a morale visit to the Marines in An Bar Province. Betty saw this post and responded immediately to my request with a phone number, cell phone number, and address for her agent. I was blown away by this immediate response, and asked how she came across this valuable information? She wouldn’t say, but from her style of writing there were many clues as to her background, and it was obvious that she was someone of extreme importance. As it turns out, I was right; she was a retired Senior VP for a major company in the US and still had her finger on the pulse of all the right people all over the world.

She wasn’t one to complain or go into her problems but as it turns out, she was suffering from a pulmonary problem that restricted her to her house, and now in the care of her mother. She passed away last March, and a part of my “Army” was now gone. I still go back and read her letters, for she had such a great way with words.

Recently we lost a former Marine named “Big Bro Jim I.” Jim liked to support our guys and gals with a box full of cigars and chewing tobacco if you were so inclined. He had spent his time in Vietnam and, by God; he was going to let our troops know that there was a segment of this great nation who supported them. I always pictured Jim as a big grizzly former Marine sitting at the keyboard pounding out letters to us with mitts the size of an outfielder’s hand. Jim liked to type in all caps, which to me is hard on the eyes, but it made it easier for him to read, I guess. One day I was in my office and I received an email from his wife “” and when I opened it I read “TACO, I WANT YOU.” That was it, no more, no less.

Hmmmm, Taco, I want you what? Is she hitting on me? That is strange. So I hit reply and typed “Thank you very much for your email. While I’m flattered I’m sure that Mr. Iron might have an issue with this as well as my wife. Thanks again and have a great day.”

About ten minutes after I sent this out, I received another email from Susan Iron that said “TACO, I WANT YOU TO GET ME SOME SAND FROM IRAQ AND MAIL IT TO ME, BIG BROTHER JIM.” Ole Jim, not too savvy on the keyboard, had sent me an email prematurely while using his wife’s account. It gave me a big chuckle later but had me worried for a while!!! What a crazy ole bastard!! I had to beat him to stop using CAPS too!!

Those were just two folks out there like you, the average Joe who lead a secret life of super supporter, and while we don’t have a medal made up for them just yet, you can bet a million dollars that their contributions to the troop morale will never be forgotten. God Bless you Betty and Jim who are now guarding the Pearly Gates for us, and all the countless others out there in Cyber land I haven’t mentioned. Now that my sermon is over, the Church Ladies will lead us in our next hymn…
Semper Fi,


Military Extreme Makeover

March 5th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Hi Gang,
I have received word via Steel Jaw Scribe about an incredible deal for one of our guys. The VP of Navy Marine Corps Relief Society said that ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover program wants to assist one of our Iraq War veterans by totally renovating their home at no expense to the service member. This is an opportunity to identify a most worthy Marine or Navy family who suffered injuries in Iraq/Afghanistan/Arabian Gulf. Here is the info below, feel free to copy this or email my link to anyone you know that fits what they are looking for. Let’s hook up our wounded with a new house.
Semper Fi,

Do you know someone whose home deserves an Extreme Makeover? If so, the
producers of ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition want to hear from you! Ty
Pennington and his crew have been all across the map and they are ready to drive
that infamous bus into your neighborhood.
What does it take to be picked for an Extreme Makeover?
We are in search of real heroes – people that have amazing strength and who have
put their own needs aside to help someone else. In addition to heroics, the
producers are looking for families whose homes are in dire need of help. We don’t
want to tear down a nice looking house. We want to see houses that look like they
might fall down on their own!
To be eligible: A family must own their own single family home and be able to
show producers how a makeover will make a huge difference in their lives.
Interested families should: e-mail a short description of their family story to –
Nominations must include:
1. The names and ages of each member of the household
2. A description of the major challenges within the home.
3. Explanation of why this family is deserving, heroic, or a positive role model in
their community.
4. Photos of the family and a photo of the home
5. Don’t forget to include a contact phone number.
The deadline: for nominations is March 13, 2008. Don’t Delay!
For more information on how to apply please visit our website at:


Post from BlackFive

February 29th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

This was brought to my attention and it’s time out from story time to help out some of our guys…

Not too long ago, Blackfive readers, joined by thousands of readers from other blogs, sent over 30,000 emails of support to Marines in Iraq. The Marines had to shut down the email address because you all were causing bandwidth issues with the support we were sending.

Now, as if the Taliban and Al Qaeda, bad weather, and lack of support here at home weren’t bad enough, the New York Times has published a one-sided view of the paratroopers tour in Afghanistan.

And so now we have cause to band together again and send massive support down range. Here’s why:

Even though spring hasn’t officially arrived the snow line is beginning to move up the mountains in Kunar and surrounding provinces in Afghanistan. The Taliban have already begun attacking the KOP, Firebases and Observation Points where elements of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team from Bamberg and Schweinfurt, Germany, and Vicenza, Italy, are deployed. Almost 4,000 Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry (Airborne), 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry (Airborne) and 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry were deployed to Kunar and surrounding provinces in Afghanistan in May 2007 for a 15 month rotation. This region of eastern Afghanistan in the Hindu Kush mountains bordering Pakistan has been designated the most dangerous place on earth for military personnel.

A Paratrooper from 2nd Platoon, Able Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne), navigates a steep incline during a patrol to Omar in Kunar province in Afghanistan Jan. 11. Date Taken: January 11th, 2008. Location: Kunar province, AF. Photographer: Sgt. Brandon Aird, Joint Combat Camera Center

This winter has been particularly harsh. Many of the Soldiers are living in mud huts and tents with little or no heat, no running water, intermittent use of generators, supply drops via air to drop zones that require a hike of up to 40 minutes each way in order to retrieve the supplies, 30+ days out on missions at the firebases without showers or daily hot meals before rotating back to the KOP or Camp Blessing for hot showers, hot meals and the ability to communicate with their families and friends.

Photo courtesy of a Sky Soldier
The Sky Soldiers have trudged through up to seven feet of snow on patrols day in and day out often at altitudes of 7,000 feet and higher. Each Soldier carries between 60 and 100 pounds of gear on these patrols. They Soldier-On each day despite the loss of many friends and comrades and substantially high numbers of wounded. Untold numbers of great Americans have provided amazing amounts of support to these Soldiers during this deployment. Public, private and civic organizations have provided direct support or indirect support.

A recent article by Elizabeth Rubin in the New York Times painted one Platoon of this Brigade in a less than favorable light. The article sensationalized the facts in a negative way, which served only to cause undue stress on the Soldiers and family members. The author failed to mention successes within the Brigade such as substantial humanitarian aid (tons of food and clothes) delivered to local villages, medical care for local children and adults, road projects, clean water projects, training of Afghan National Army personnel, distribution of school supplies, etc. [Don’t worry, friends, Deebow is preparing a more detailed take down of Elizabeth Rubin. Stay tuned for that.]

Historically, spring is a time of heavy fighting in this region as the terrorists and insurgents emerge from their caves after the harsh winter temperatures and snows. Let’s show these Soldiers how much support they have from home to help them through the spring and the remainder of this long and dangerous deployment.

Right now, American Paratroopers are in the fight of their lives and they need to hear that America loves them.

Please send an email of support to

Or you can mail cards to:

Leta Carruth
P O Box 100
Cordova, TN 38088

Due to security reasons in Afghanistan please do not put addresses or phone numbers on any correspondence. All emails will be printed out here in the US and mailed to Afghanistan as they do not have the resources to receive a large number of emails. All letters and emails will be vetted to make sure there are no negative comments. These are letters of support, so please keep them positive and uplifting.

A Huge THANK YOU to the proponents of (and the leaders of) this effort – Tanker Babe, Chromed Curses, and Mrs. Diva!


The Konkulators- Happy Halloween

February 24th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Hey guys, sometimes I admit that I’m a bit of a jerk, and this next story isn’t so much that I’m a total jerk now, but that I was just a stupid, single guy jerk at the time. Having four children now, I understand how important it is to be careful what you say in front of the little ones.

Well, back in Cherry Point in the early 90s, my old roommate married a gal named Laura who had two of the greatest kids in the world, Sean and Morgan. They were a handful at times, but a lot of fun to be around for the most part. As the single guy, it was my duty to go over for my free bachelor appreciation meals, get the kids all riled up right before bedtime, and then go home leaving them in the hyper-mode. This worked great till one night when Keith and Laura had to run to the store, and asked if I would baby-sit the kids, aged seven and five. I was on my way home from work when I had stopped by for a beer. “Sure, no problem,” for how hard could these kids be compared to a bunch of 19-year-old Lance Corporals?

I truly don’t remember how it happened, but I do remember being engrossed in my warmed up short ribs that Laura (expert chef) had heated up for me. The two kids were playing in the next room, and then they decided to attack uncle Taco. This attack lasted a bit longer then I wanted and interrupted my dinner. They were like little animals and I couldn’t get them to calm down, so I grabbed both of them, pulled them real tight into my chest and told them “Shhhhhhhhuuuuuussshhhhhhhhh” in a real low voice while looking up at the central air vents in the room. I released them and asked, with a look of panic on my face, “Did you hear that???” I took my knife and walked over to one of the vents, and put a chair up against the wall to climb up and peek into the vent with my knife poised as if I would stab something. They were both staring at me, mouths open and not a sound coming from their throats. I think they could hear their hearts pounding away as the minutes passed by.

I then climbed down, put the chair back, and went on with devouring those awesome ribs. I didn’t say a word as I kept looking up at the vent and then back at them. They slowly moved over to the other side of the table, looking at the vent, and then back at me when Sean the oldest, asked, “What were you looking at up there?” I shook my head and said, “Sorry, I can’t tell you.” This, of course, made them want to know even more. “Why can’t you tell me?” I looked at him and said, “Sean, it’s not in my place to talk about it; when your folks get home, you can ask them.”

Once again, I had silence and thought maybe now I could finish my meal. Then they started bugging me about the vent. I broke down, and told them about the Konkulators. “See kids, the Konkulators are fearsome little creatures that migrated from the swamps of Florida to North Carolina. They are about as big as a raccoon with super long claws and razor sharp teeth with a bottomless pit for a stomach. They like to climb into a house by way of the chimney, and get into the central air vent system from there. When they find a kids room, they back the screws off with those long claws, and climb into the room while the children are asleep.” Shaun had eyes about the size of silver dollars now, and Morgan was standing there with her mouth wide open, both hands ready to cover her eyes and brown curls of hair poking out from between her fingers.

“The bad part about these guys,” I continue, “Is that they get a hold of kids while they are sleeping, and then suck the bones out of their body so it’s easier to pull the flabby exoskeleton up into the vents. They take the boneless bodies back to their nest and let the others feed on them. Sometimes at night, if you hear something creaking up in the vents, it could be them.” I finally now had silence, and started peeling the meat off the bone with my teeth while darting my eyes up to the vents. The door opened a few minutes after that, and in walked Keith and Laura.

Putting my plate in the sink, I kissed Laura on the cheek to thank her for dinner, and slapped Keith on the back with a “Have to go” then I turned to the kids and said, “Hey guys, you be good, love ya.” I drove the 15 miles west back to my house in New Bern. Two hours later, I think it was around 10 pm, the phone rang and I answered with my normal, “Good evening, New Bern suicide hotline, can I put you on hold please?” This was before caller ID of course. On the other end was Laura. She was hot enough to melt all the snow in Iceland. “You idiot, did you really tell my kids that there was an animal out there called a Konkulator?” I started to chuckle in a low voice, “Yeah Laura, I’m sorry, I was just playing with them. Put them on the phone, and I’ll tell them that I was just kidding.” She wasn’t having any of that. “No way, you get in your car and drive down here this very minute.”

I looked at my clock, and figured it would be twenty minutes down there at this time of night, and I had to get up early in the morning for a flight. “Sorry Laura can’t do it. I’ll stop by in the afternoon on the way home. Just tell them I was kidding.” We went back and forth for about five more minutes before she put my old roommate on. Keith in his slow drawl, said, “Hey Taco, Laura is really pissed off. You’d better come down here. Morgan wants her to tape up all the air vents in the house and Sean is sleeping with a small baseball bat and the light on in the hallway.” I thought no big deal, “Keith, I’ll take the hit; I have to sleep for that form flight in the morning. Sorry for all the trouble.”

Needless to say, that was the last meal I had over there for a long time. I’ll have you know though, Sean is a 2nd Lt in the Marines and just returned from a tour in Iraq where he was happy they don’t have central A/C and Morgan has grown into a fine young lady going to school here in Texas. I hear they still have nightmares of Konkulators, and I get threats from Laura that she will send Morgan down to baby-sit my kids. Oh well, lesson learned, never let a single guy watch your kids…especially one with an over-active imagination.  Happy Halloween folks and have a Snickers bar for me and remember, when you hear your vents creaking as you lay there staring at the ceiling, it may not be the house now that you know the TRUE story about the Konkulators…

Semper Fi,





Iwo Jima 1995

February 24th, 2008 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 2 Comments »

Back in 1995, I was involved in the “Okinawa Plus Fifty Committee” with my close friend Jim Adams. Basically we were the guys who were trying to help set up the return of the WWII veterans to Okinawa, and let them face their enemy who are now our allies after all these years. Because of the press for this and my love of history, the Squadron Commanding Officer asked if I would lead a battle study of another battle…the fight for Iwo Jima. When he asked if I could take this on, my first reaction was “Does a bear piss in the woods? You betcha, Sir!”

I had spent the better part of six months digging up old Japanese caves with a couple other Marines (another story, another time) finding bones of dead soldiers and turning them into the local authorities. To find all these hidden caves, I poured over old maps of the battlefields and would take off at four am to make my way down south of Naha Okinawa, to the ridge lines where the Marines and Japs fought. This type of battlefield study discipline allowed me to put together an all day event on the island of Iwo Jima. I had a close bond with the island when I was commissioned a 2nd Lt and a retired Marine Corps Colonel from our church, James A. Michener, showed up with a big box. “Taco, now that you are a Marine, I guess I need to pass some of this from one Marine to another.” He opened up the box and out came his Mameluke Marine Officer Sword, his name down the side and authentic aged ivory handles that were yellowed from time, his uniform from the battle of Iwo Jima, and his Colt .45 that he carried there (he kept that though for home protection). He was with the fifth division when they hit the beach, and he told me about the battle. About the shells, the absolute chaos, and the screams of the wounded as he advanced, and the men he killed.

His eyes watered as he told me this story and I was a twenty-two year old at a complete loss. I had known Mr. Michener all my life, and never knew that he was a Marine much less that he had fought on Iwo. He was the scary, retired school teacher that growled at us kids for running in the building as children, and now he was entrusting me with his uniform and sword. The history of it all, his .45 took many a Japanese life during the senseless Bonsai attacks those first couple of days on the island and carried with it,some ghosts for him I think. LtCol. Michener escaped major damage during WWII and went from a 2nd Lt to Major in two years, only to be medically retired after the Korean War from injuries sustained in combat there. For the chance to visit his island for him since he was in a nursing home at the time, I was willing to spend many a night reading all the books of the battle that I could find, and memorizing all the facts that I could.

The visit to the island was a success that fall, and we promoted thirty enlisted Marines from the Squadron on top of Mt. Suribachi. That was truly a powerful moment in my life. I have to say that the next was being allowed to attend the fiftieth anniversary of the actual battle of Iwo Jima “as a good deal trip” since it was my last flight in VMGR 152 in the KC-130F while stationed on Okinawa.

We took off a week prior to the event, and loaded a ton of stuff in the back of the plane for the ceremonies that were to take place that day. I took advantage of my free time there, and set out on foot, going through many of the caves on the island. I was fully equipped with a miner’s helmet and light, water and camera. The difference of this battlefield and all others is the fact that most of the island is just as it was in 1945. The Japs aren’t big on exploring, and there hasn’t been much of an American presence there all these years. I found all sorts of stuff while on the island, of course we left it where we found it to honor the dead, but it was still amazing. The caves were wide enough for two men to walk shoulder to shoulder in and the temperature was well over a hundred degrees because of the geo thermal activity on the island. It was hard to imagine what the Japanese Soldiers endured as we bombed the living hell out of the island. They had carved out sleeping beds in the walls for the Soldiers to crawl into or to put the wounded. It was incredible to walk for what seemed like miles through these caves. While we were there, they had discovered a medical cave by accident with thirty mummified Japanese Soldiers who all wrote letters home to their families knowing that they wouldn’t live since the entrance was caved in. I wondered if this was the basis of Clint Eastwood’s movie “Letters from Iwo Jima.”

When the vets of Iwo arrived, they flew in old Continental Micronesia airlines 727’s to the Island. All the Marines on the Island formed a Congo reception in front of the hangers as the vets formed a single line and shook all of our hands. One of them said “yep, fifty years and we still have to wait around in a line, nothing changes much in the Corps.” I ended up with a bruise on my right hand after being crushed by 700 vets still firm grips. The reactions were varied, many cried, lots of somber faces, and lots of guys that were happy to see old friends. They all had to turn in their passports to the Japanese officials in the hanger to get a stamp which got a lot of old emotions stirring, not a good thing after all these years, and after that it was off to the races. We loaded the vets in trucks and took them down to the invasion beach for a big ceremony. All of them carried jars to collect some volcanic sand, and took a million pictures. That happened to also be the day that General Krulack took office as the 31st commandant of the Marine Corps, and what a mess that caused. They closed off Mt. Suribachi for this event for two hours, and that made some of the old timers ready to storm the mountain again.

I guess the most touching thing that happened to me was while driving back to the airstrip. I took the long way around the North part of the island to see the concrete ships that were still beached along the shoreline. We found this eighty-plus-year-old man walking by himself along the road (a big no-no for them in case they died and we couldn’t find them). We pulled up in our jeep and I said, “Sir, are you OK? You are a long way from the beaten trail and it’s pretty hot out here.” He looked over at me and replied, “Skipper, I was stuck in a foxhole very near here for two days with my best friend, surrounded by Japs. We couldn’t get out. I’m just trying to find it again and leave this for my friend. He died that first night, and I fought to make sure that I got his body out, and buried proper like.” He had a little cross with his friends name in it. I agreed to drive him, and help him find the hole if he would come with us and drink some water. He described the tree trunk that was on the south end of the fox hole that was actually a bomb crater hole. You know, it’s been fifty years, and I didn’t think he would find it again. At least the chances were very slim, but by God, he told us to stop the jeep at a certain point. We started walking out in this one area and about two hundred yards off the road we found his pit with the tree trunk still showing signs of massive bullet barrages. He placed the cross in the hole next to the tree and wept. We had to help him back to the jeep after that, most of his energy sapped as we drove him back to the hangers on the airfield.

Charles Lindberg and his wife’95
Before the trip out to the Island, I went to the Intel weenies and asked for the largest chart of Iwo Jima that they had, and then had it laminated. That evening, all the vets were in the hanger for the speeches and dinner. The Japs about caused the second invasion of Iwo when we found out that all the passports were just dumped into several boxes, not sorted by plane or anything. So they had to line all the vets around this very large hanger, get to the head table and call out a name. “Bob Smith” followed by thirty Marines scouring a table with passports looking for this individual. The blunder by the Japs, turned into my advantage as I approached each vet with poster in hand and said “Sir, I’d be honored if you would sign my poster.” They all wanted to put their name where they were wounded, but I talked them into signing right down from top to bottom.

I had the honor of meeting Charles W Lindberg, the last of the original flag raisers from that fateful day Feb 23rd 1943, who recently passed away. He and his wife were there, and the nicest folks you ever had the chance to meet. He handed me his card and said, “Captain Bell, if you ever make it to St. Paul MN, please look me up.” I never thought I’d see him again but as it turns out, I flew up there all the time for the Marines while on recruiting duty in Kansas City MO, and took him flying one cold day. I was even able to visit them while on layovers during my time up there with my airline since they lived about ten minutes from the airport. His house was full of paintings and pictures of the battle, and he’d show them all to you. It was always humbling, and an honor to be in his presence along with all those men I met that day in 1995 on Iwo Jima. I have to say that there won’t be a day that goes by that my children won’t pay honor to these men as I have that poster hanging in my office, and one day it will go to the Marine Museum in Quantico.

So on this day, during the heat of the battle so many years ago, let us all take a minute to pay tribute to the greatest generation of Americans to ever live. For with everyday that passes we lose another vet to age who now guard the gates of heaven.
Semper Fi to you all!!
LtCol Bell
