Military stories from past to present, both wars.

Important links for Vets…

February 17th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »
I got this today from a friend of mine, DiAnna Maxwell who is in the Army Nurse Corps and it’s a fantastic collection of links for all things that our Vets need. Please feel free to pass this on to as many Vets as you know. one of them may be able to use something here… It looks like the links work. This transfer looks like crap on the website, if you want the email version, just drop me a line at  and I’ll forward all this to you, might take a few days, but I’ll send it out.  Hope this helps and thanks DiAnna!  Also, I think this came from a site called the “Eagles View” if you know of this site, please ping me so I can give them a link here for their hard work.
P.S. I wasn’t able to get the code to fit, so for a list of the links, please email me and I’ll send them on to you.
Comment:  Someone has gone to a lot of trouble.  If this helps one person, then it was worthwhile.  Please pass this on to all Veterans on you e-mail list. 
Below are web-sites that provide information on Veterans benefits and how to file/ask for them. Accordingly, there are many sites that explain how to obtain books, military/medical records, information and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA.  Please pass this information on to every Veteran you know.  Nearly 100% of this information is free and available for all veterans, the only catch is: you have to ask for it, because they won’t tell you about a specific benefit unless you ask for it.  You need to know what questions to ask so the right doors open for you   and then be ready to have an advocate who is willing to work with and for you, stay in the process, and press for your rights and your best interests.
Board of Veteran’s Appeals
CARES Commission
CARES Draft National Plan 
Center for Minority Veterans
Center for Veterans Enterprise
Center for Women Veterans
Clarification on the changes in VA healthcare for Gulf War Veterans
Classified Records – American Gulf War Veterans Assoc
Compensation for Disabilities Associated with the Gulf War Service
Compensation Rate Tables, 12-1-03
Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page 
Directory of Veterans Service Organizations
Disability Examination Worksheets Index, Comp
Due Process 
Duty to Assist
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
Emergency, Non-emergency, and Fee Basis Care
Environmental Agents
Environmental Agents M10
Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility  
See also, Depleted Uranium Fact Sheet 
Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependants 2005 
Forms and Records Request   
General Compensation Provisions
Geriatrics and Extended Care 
Guideline for Chronic Pain and Fatigue MUS-CPG
Guide to Gulf War Veteran’s Health
Gulf War Subject Index        
M 10 for spouses and children
Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers         
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Centers of Excellence
My Health e Vet
National Association of State Directors
National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders, Schedule of Ratings
OMI (Office of Medical Inspector)
Online VA Form 10-10EZ
Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders  
Peacetime Disability Compensation
(to include Operation Iraqi Freedom) as of March 7, 2005:
Persian Gulf Registry Referral Centers
Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses Research 1999, Annual Report To Congress’_Illnesses_Appendices.doc  
Project 112 (Including Project SHAD)
Prosthetics Eligibility
Public Health and Environmental Hazards Home Page 
Public Health/SARS 
Publications Manuals
Publications and Reports  
Records Center and Vault Homepage 
Records Center and Vault Site Map 
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses April 11, 2002 
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses
Research and Development
Survivor’s and Dependents’ Educational Assistance
Title 38 Index Parts 0-17  
Part 18
Title 38 Part 3 Adjudication Subpart ¬”Pension, Compensation, and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation  
Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses & Veterans Relief
Title 38
Total disabiliity ratings for compensation based on unemployability of the individual. PART SCHEDULE FOR RATING DISABILITIES Subpart General Policy in Rating
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims 
VA Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 
VA Fact Sheet
VA Health Care Eligibility
VA Life Insurance Handbook Chapter 3
VA Loan Lending Limits and Jumbo Loans 
VA MS Research 
VA National Hepatitis C Program  
VA Office of Research and Development 
VA Trainee Pocket Card on Gulf War 
VAOIG Hotline Telephone Number and Address .htm
Vet Center Eligibility – Readjustment Counseling Service 
Veterans Benefits Administration Main Web Page 
Veterans Legal and Benefits Information 
VHA Forms, Publications, Manuals 
VHA Programs – Clinical Programs & Initiatives
http: //  
VHI Guide to Gulf War Veterans
tm) Health  
Vocational Rehabilitation 
Vocational Rehabilitation Subsistence 
VONAPP online 
WARMS – 38 CFR Book C 
Wartime Di sability Compensation         
War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center – New Jersey 
Welcome to the GI Bill Web Site
What VA Social Workers Do
WRIISC Patient Eligibility

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Upgrade in Progress

February 8th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Taco has asked me to upgrade his WordPress install to the latest stable version of 2.9.1. There shouldn’t be any problems and this shouldn’t take any longer than 10-15 minutes. During this time you may notice some funky stuff. Please stand by if you do notice. I’ll publish and update once complete.

Update: Upgrade complete and while none of you should see anything different, Taco has a whole new admin interface to learn! I wished him “good luck, old man” over email and I have a feeling the beers he offered in DC at the conference will wind up on my head.

Semper Fi!

Another Army Poser Bites the dust thanks to Mil bloggers!

February 8th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »

ABC newsThe Poser Posse at work (Mil Bloggers) has helped nab another fine douche bag and contributed to his arrest by the FBI.  Michael Patrick McManus was arrested last night by the Houston FBI on charges related to the Stolen Valor Act.  Mrs. GreyHawk at the Mudville Gazette made a nice “Wanted, Dead or alive” poster on this guy and soon the hunt began.  Some folks in Houston came up with his identity followed by CJ Grisham identifying all the different medals and awards McManus was wearing on his uniform. Turns out that he served in the Army from 1984 to 1987 and never passed the rank of Private first class.

If I was King for the Day, I would send this Turd over to Major Pain in Afghanistan, put him on the front of the line and make him walk a patrol down the middle of some God forsaken road, endure IED’s, and firefights along side of real hero’s so that he can earn the medals he was wearing.

ABC News did a great piece on this guy… check it out here.  

 PS, on a side note, John (EX-Marine) Murtha died today at 77.  Back to the main news though, McManus will face a Federal Judge in the next few weeks down in Houston TX.


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BRAC, Fraud, Waste and Abuse

January 23rd, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 4 Comments »


The Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) is just another form of “Fraud, Waste and Abuse” in my mind.  For those of you new to this, every politician out there with a military base located in their state wants government funds and support people to go with the funds.  The base personnel spend lots of money in the local economy so it only makes sense to keep your people happy which means you get re-elected every couple of years.


Here is the latest example of F/W&A.  I called up to MOBCOM, that is a place where all Marine reservists check for things dealing with pay, points etc.  They are located on a former Air Force base called Richards-Gebaur which was nicknamed “Dickey Goober”  and BRAC’d in the early Nineties. When I moved from Okinawa in May of 1995 to Kansas City, the Ninth Marine Corps Recruiting District HQ was on the west side of Kansas City and we moved from our location to the old Air Force HQ on Dickey Goober.  The 14th Marines moved upstairs from us, and we had this wonderful new space to work in.  Mind you, the Air Force does a nice job on their buildings, and for a Marine it was first class.  The Marines built a brand-new four or five story office building to house MOBCOM down the street while the rest of the base was turned into some sort of college.  Our Marines were able to live in the base housing there and it was a nice deal. 


I digress as usual, but when I called up there for a set of orders, I was told that due to being BRAC’d, that part of MOBCOM was moving to New Orleans and the other half to Indiana.  I was shocked because that building was no more then fifteen years old.  What in the world is the Marine Corps thinking?  Now they have to spend money in New Orleans, a total crap hole where the Marine Forces Reserves (MarForRes) is located to build new office space.  Probably the same thing going on in Indiana.  I asked what was going to happen to the spaces there and was told the Army was moving in.


It was then that the “Fraud, Waste and Abuse” light went off in my head!  BRAC is nothing more then a government shell game used to create jobs in one place while showing a decrease of troops in another.  Think about it, now they can show that the Marine Corps is saving money by moving the Marines out of Kansas City and consolidating them in New Orleans, a city so plagued by crime that the police won’t report the statistics. And—lets’ not think about the wasted man $$$ days when the threat of a hurricane approaches and they have to evacuate all personnel from that fine city to neighboring states. 


In the late nineties, Brunswick NAS was closed as part of a BRAC recommendation that just took away the states second largest employer.  As I remember, this was done because some congressman there didn’t want to play on President Bush’s party line sheet of music.  Same thing the current President possibly threw out to Representative Nelson from Nebraska when talking about BRAC’ing Offutt Air Force Base if he didn’t tow the line on his health care bill. 


Once again, nothing is new in the world of “Fraud, Waste and Abuse.” See, the Military is a pawn that can be moved around when needed.  The politicians can justify this by claiming that consolidating forces will save money.  On the other sheet of the books, they can claim “look at all the jobs I created over here in this state” during the next campaign to get re-elected, while ignoring the hundreds of millions of dollars spent to build new buildings, move the personnel to staff it (consider moving 4,000 folks at an average cost of 15K each equals about 6 million just for the household move) just in the name of saving the taxpayers money. 


So we spend hundreds of millions to save a few million!  BRAC should be shown for what it really is–a political leverage arm of the government that is, in fact, costing us more than we care to really know.  I just wanted you to know that your taxpayer dollars are hard at work.  If your life was tossed upside down due to a move, loss on a house from the forced move, city turned into a ghost town from the loss of personnel there, feel free to leave a comment below, I’d be interested in what you have to say.




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Man, do I hate Holiday Travel

December 31st, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 5 Comments »
Guys, this came from Iowahawk and I had to share this Satire with you. I about lost my coffee this morning as I read this!!
Man, Do I Hate Holiday Travel
Iowahawk Special Guest Opinion
by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab…ay-travel.html

Yesterday while I was lying in the burn ward getting my crotch bandages changed, I had a chance to catch the air disaster movie marathon on TCM. The lineup included “Zero Hour,” “The High and the Mighty,” “Skyjacked,” and “Airport ’75.” For all their campy fun and unintentional laughs, those corny old films really serve as a grim reminder how the whole in-flight terror experience has gone completely downhill since the jet set golden years of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. What happened to all those pretty stewardesses and polite, well dressed infidels, screaming as the plane plummeted to the ground? Time was, a suicide mission to explode an international jumbo jet was an event full of glamor and excitement; but now it seems to be a endless series of delays, hassles, pushy jerks and third-degree testicular chemical burns. And don’t even get me started on the crappy airline food.

Take for example a recent flight I took from Lagos to Detroit. With over 100,000 miles on my JihadAir platinum card, I’ve schlepped enough miles through Heathrow and Gatwick and Yemen International to know I should be at the airport two hours before departure. Especially during the holiday heavy bombing season. Good thing too, because by the time I got there, there was already a mile long line at the explosives counter. And man, talk about smell! I swear half of these stupid shaheeds hadn’t bothered to take a shower, let alone a pre-martyrdom ablution ritual. Come on people, how about a little self respect?

And right when I was only two martyrs in line from the counter? Yep, you guessed it. The stupid explosives agents called for a prayer break. To top that, just as I was finishing my last supplication, I get up off the prayer rug and these three friggin’ Saudis totally jump the line, and I’m like, “dude, WTF?” And they’re like, “hey, sorry bro, we’re late for a bombing in Somalia.” And I’m like, “come on man, we’ve all got flights we want to bomb, no cutting.”

Anyhow, by the time I finally get to the counter, they were all out of business class upgrades and PETN fanny packs. Okay, how about a aisle seat and a rectal bomb? No such luck. Yep, like always, good ol’ Umar gets stuck with a center seat in row 43 and a pair of those C4 bikini briefs. The kind that really bind your nutsack. Sometimes I wonder why I even pay the 50 bucks to keep my 1K status on that stupid frequent bomber card.

I was going to lodge a complaint, but the flight was already boarding. I hightailed it through security and was lucky to catch a goatcart that got me to my gate just as they were closing the door. Then the rest of the passengers give me the stinkface, like I’m holding up the show! Hey, infidels, don’t blame me, take it up with 72 Virgin Atlantic. And then, of course, I see I’m seated between two 350 pound Imams who are eating takeout from the food court Falafel Bell.

I’ll spare you the description of the aromas on that 6 hour flight to Amsterdam. The in flight movie was some horrible Sandra Bullock romantic comedy, so I ended up doing a couple Super Sodukus and leafing through the SkyMartryMall catalog. When we landed at Amsterdam, it took 40 freaking minutes to deplane because apparently no one at the airline feels like enforcing the three carry-on chicken limit.

I guess things got a little better at the Amsterdam airport. JihadAir had a concierge service waiting for me at the gate, some Pakistani guy holding up a little “Abdulmutallab” sign. All apologetic, like, “oh, I am so sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Abdulmutallab,” “let us take care of your arrangements,” “you are a valued customer, Mr. Abdulmutallab,” “let me get the detonator for you.” I guess he heard about my hassles at Lagos and was worried I would transfer my miles to Air Shaheed.

Anyhow I had a two hour layover, so I stopped into the Magic Carpet Club for a complementary pretzels and hashish. Afterwards I had the munchies so I went to the Cinnabon. Geez, 5 euros for a freakin’ cinnamon roll? Talk about air piracy! When the flight to Detroit started boarding, the concierge told me to keep quiet and he would take care of the check-in. The US State Department agent asked to see my passport, and the concierge explained that I was a Somali refugee. So she looks at her computer screen and says, “um, I’m afraid there’s a problem, this passenger’s name is on a watch list.” Oh, great. Looks like my dad is playing Mr. Buzzkill again, just because I took that semester off from Oxford to go backpacking in Yemen. So I showed her my official State Department visa.

So I’m like, “honey, do I look like I’m a US military veteran?”


“Do I look like I’m some sort of right wing anti-tax teabagger?”


“Do I look like anybody else on the DHS terrorism danger list?”

“No, but…”

“Then I suggest that unless you want a nasty anti-discrimination lawsuit on your hands, you’d best give me an aisle seat. With extended legroom.”

That shut her up. I boarded the plane with the concierge and plopped down in my seat. It looked like this martyrdom would start going a little more smoothly, but, just my luck, I’m assigned in the same row as these two smelly hippies listening to Dave Matthews on their iPods. I thought about asking for a seat change but the whole damn plane was full of stupid Dutch and American stoners, with their stupid screaming hippie babies. The thought of an 8 hour flight with these hemp shirt douchebags made me wish I was on still on that connecting flight from Lagos with all the livestock and poultry.

After we took off (after a 45 minute delay on the tarmac) I look up and the in-flight movie is — get this — another horrible Sandra Bullock flick. I mean, WTF is it with these infidels? As if flying isn’t bad enough with the delays and cramped seats, do they really need to ratchet up the hellscape with Sandra Bullock and CNN Headline News? At that point I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one on this flight planning suicide.

When the dinner service came around, the flight attendant goes, “oh, I’m sorry Mr. Abdulmutallab, we ran out of the special halal meal. Would you like something else?”

“Um, what do you have?”

“Pork chops.”

Frack. It was a good thing I had that Cinnabon back at the food court, or I’d either be going to paradise half starved or to pig eater hell. So I just ordered a Diet Sprite and washed down my prescription of of suicide relaxants.

I pretty much dozed off after that, but then it was like “BING! Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. In twenty minutes we will begin preparations for our final descent into Detroit, so if you have to use the restrooms, blah blah blah.” Crap, I had completely forgotten to blow up the plane, and the concierge was giving me the hurry up sign. So I walked back to the loo, and there was already a line of hippies. So I told them, “hey dude, do you mind? I really gotta pinch one bad.” I guess my eyes were kinda dilated from the suicide relaxants, so they let me by.

Lemme ask you: have you ever tried to inject a glycerin detonator syringe into some plastic explosives glued under your nutsack, while you were stoned out of your gourd, in an airplane bathroom, during Lake Erie turbulence, while some stupid hippie is pounding on the door? Take my word for this, it. is. a. mofo. I must have stabbed myself in the junk eight or ten times before I finally got it smoldering. So I stroll out of the loo, real casual-like, with my nuts on fire, and headed back to my seat to blow out the fuselage.

But then, get this: some friggin’ Dutch dude jumps out of his seat and tackles me right in the aisle, completely ignoring the “fasten seatbelts” sign! Typical pushy Eurotrash. And then the flight attendant comes running up, and instead of enforcing the damn rules starts blasting me with the fire extinguisher, which means my nards go from flame broiled to freeze dried in about 3 seconds flat. To top it all off? While I was laying there a stupid hippie baby throws up all over my head.

Good thing I was wasted on those relaxants, because I don’t remember too much until we were at the gate at Detroit International. When I came to, I was handcuffed, surrounded by cops and bomb sniffing dogs. Amid all the hysterical hippies I felt a strange sensation and heard a soft klink. -Yep, you guessed it. My freeze dried bar-b-cued junk had just fallen off. Before I could locate it, one of the bomb sniffing dog snarfed it up like a frozen snausage. A damn lot of good those 72 virgins are going to do me now. At least I got to get off the plane before everybody else, and I didn’t have to wait in line at customs. Plus I’m getting comped a hospital room, even if the chow here is even shittier than airline food.

Anyway, I’m watching a lot of TV and trying to sort out my lawsuit options. Do you believe this infidel Napolitano who keeps saying that “the system worked”? Hey, bitch, try telling that to my junk. My lawyers from CAIR say I’ve got a pretty good shot at an out of court settlement for religious discrimination, loss of wages, defamation, and alienation of penis. Maybe even seven figures.

I’m hoping for a big payday, but I’ll tell you one thing: even if I win, next time I’m taking the train.


Interview with Internet legend, LtCol George Goodson USMC (Ret)

December 22nd, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 39 Comments »

There are times when you receive an email that draws such raw emotions out of you that it’s possible to cry over your keyboard.  This past July, I opened my mailbox to read one of those emails, and it was titled A burial at Sea (hyperlinked here) by LtCol George Goodson USMC (Ret). This article was written around 2004, not long after the war began and I wondered if this was a true story or just another well-written Internet piece that was circulating in the ethersphere from one mailbox to another, constantly forwarded, for good reason, as people recognize a well put together memoir from long ago.  I felt the power of his message so much, that I published it right away.

I experienced emotions buried deep in my conscious from over twelve years ago when I, too, was tasked to deliver the news to the spouse of one of our Marines who was killed the night before in an auto accident.  You never forget putting on your Dress Blues, rehearsing what you will say to his wife or the gut punch as his young son opens the door to greet you while you stand there in Uniform.  George’s article brought all that to my forefront as I sat weeping in front of my computer.

I felt the urge to track him down one morning and talk to him about his time in the Corps.  Putting on my past hat as a private investigator, I found him at home with his wife enjoying a nice cup of coffee, oblivious to how his piece had affected thousands across the nation.  I have to admit that I was a bit tongue-tied as I stumbled through my introduction as to why I was cold calling him.  He was very humble about his service in the Corps and receptive to my call.  I set up a time to call him back that afternoon to catch up.  The hours slowly passed as I tended to our sick kids suffering from Strep throat and later while they napped, I dialed his number.

Now we are the same rank, but somehow I feel as though I’m speaking to a former General thus my conversation is laced with “Yes Sir’s” etc. to which George says, “Quit calling me Sir, you can call me George.” This makes me smile, and I reply “Ok George, you can call me Taco, all my friends do and it’s better than Tinker Bell.”  George is 81 years old now and has had some rough patches with his health but I imagine a man 6’4 who is still in great health in my mind’s eye.  He laughs and reminds me he is about 5’9 and not a superman but his wife is, as she teaches water aerobics every day. 

George grew up in the rural south, in a depression era family where one child was the norm and comes from a long line of Americans as one of his ancestors arrived in 1656.  His father, a machinist, had a strong influence on his upbringing, making George the man he is today and unfortunately he died from a heart attack shortly after George joined the Marines in 1951.  I asked him what the deciding factor was leading him to service in the Corps.  Was it a family member, or growing up watching John Wayne movies?  George was quick to point out that he just wanted to shake the dust of that tiny little town off of his legs and see the world.  He despised John Wayne because he never served in the Great War but he did admire the stars like Jimmy Stewart and Ty Powers who fought in combat.  (I too despise some of the stars of Hollywood today for their lack of backbone and apparent greed, and love the few that go support our troops in the war).

As we spoke, George reflected on his “I Love Me Wall”, (most of us have such a spot in our offices where we display awards and unit plaques).  His first MOS was in demolition and he attended school in Camp LeJeune followed by an opportunity to serve in more specialized warfare.   He attended Army Special Forces training in the fifties and rates both the Army and Marine Jump wings, with over 139 jumps, many in combat, and has earned several awards including the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with Combat V, Purple hearts and even an Air Medal. 

I asked about some of his wounds and if they all came from Vietnam.  He then told me about an operation in 1965 when President Lyndon Johnson sent 42,000 Marines and Soldiers down to the Dominican Republic to restore peace and ensure there wasn’t a second “Cuba” on the doorstep of the United States.”   It turns out that he was shot in the head and the bullet didn’t penetrate that deep in his skull because the fella that shot him was in the surf on the beach and his gun was half submerged.  The Surgeon used a pair of pliers to remove the bullet and sent him on his merry way to rejoin his unit. (with a splitting headache I imagine)

This wasn’t the first time he had been shot or blown up.  While he was attached to the U.S. Military Assistance Command (MACV-SOG) Special Operations Group, he was billeted at the Victoria Hotel in downtown Saigon.  The VC detonated a bomb at the hotel on April 1st 1966 while he was asleep.  A combination of luck and his own strength allowed him to make it out of the hotel and to the US Embassy not far away, where his wounds were treated.  He wrote a story titled “September Song” detailing that experience.  He read some over the phone and after I type it up, will publish a few excerpts which will be in a future post.

He and his wife have children from previous marriages, and felt that it was important to put some of his experiences on paper so they would understand what war was about and the emotions he still feels today. Especially when he looks at the pictures on the wall in his study which include one of two crying Marines, sitting on “G.I.” cans.  He has it on the wall to remind him what war is about, and in his words, “it sucks!”

George is extremely proud of his time in uniform and his service throughout the world and doesn’t regret anything.  He is an icon in the internet world of electrons and doesn’t even realize it.  His prolific writings resonate with so many of us who have served in the military, and will be a timeless reflection on the price of war and what it extracts from our men and women.  LtCol Goodson, your service in the Marine Corps for our country will be remembered in the words you so eloquently expressed when you penned A Burial at Sea and will be for many generations to come.  For that, I think I can speak on behalf of the thousands of readers out there when I say, “we thank you Sir!!”

It was a real honor to speak with him, and I look forward to more conversations with this Great American!  I hope all of you deployed overseas have a calm and peaceful day on the 25th and I want to wish all of you reading this a very Merry Christmas and God Bless you all.

Semper Fi,        


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Interview with LtCol George Goodson USMC (Ret)

December 21st, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Here is LtCol Goodson and familyDear Gang,


First of all Merry Christmas to you all since I will most likely be on road leaving the 24th for a trip somewhere, but I have a Christmas present for you all.  I interviewed LtCol George Goodson (Ret) who wrote the moving piece on “Burial at Sea”   


He is retired now and putting these stories together for his kids and grandkids, so they know some of the things he experienced.  I have to tell you that it was real honor to speak to him and his wife and it even left me tongue tied which doesn’t happen very often.   So please check back in the next couple of days and if you have any questions that you want me to ask, please email them to me at  


Semper Fi,


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Open letter to Mil Bloggers from CJ

December 19th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »
I want to take a moment to thank all of those that are participating in the BlogOut on behalf of free speech generally and me specifically. The selflessness show by each of these bloggers, both within and without the milblogging community, has inspired and humbled me. For much of the past year, I have been fighting for Soldiers’ rights to freedom of speech. I have always resisted the mindset that when Soldiers join the Army they surrender their rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that the way in which we EXERCISE those rights is somewhat restricted, but we don’t lose them. Every enlisted member of the military signed a DD Form 4/1, or enlistment contract. On page two of that document, it states that “many laws, regulations, and military customs will govern my conduct and require me to do things a civilian does not have to do.” Many use this little clause to justify the mentality that we are troops 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and that’s true – to a point. But, that doesn’t mean that EVERYTHING I do in my life is subject to military oversight. I am allowed to have hobbies, pick and choose my friends, and join civic groups and clubs. But, I’m not allowed to break laws and must abide by additional rules and regulations that are dictated by my employment in the military. These include the uniform code of military justice, army regulations, and DOD directives.

No Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine surrenders their free speech rights. Officers, of course, fall under different sets of rules. For example, Article 88 states of the Manual of Courts Martial states

“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

Now, that doesn’t give Soldiers the right to use “contemptuous words” against our elected officials, but who decides what “contemptuous words” are? Is any disagreement with an elected official “contemptuous?” Is only certain kinds of disagreement? In my mind, writing about what an elected official says and then highlighting what that elected official DID in contrast to what they said is not “contemptuous” in any way. If someone has lied to the American people and I can prove it, how is it contemptuous to call that person a liar? I see nothing “contemptuous” about calling for the wholesale firing of Congress through the democratic process.

But, beginning in April, I started coming under attack for talking about those very things. Interestingly, the complaints came from blogs that were posted PRIOR TO being invited to the Obama White House. As a matter of fact, while speaking to WH officials, they even acknowledged that we had disagreements, but I was invited anyway.

An IG complaint was filed around that time and after a three month investigation into my blogging came to the conclusion that I was guilty of subversion and using my rank or position to solicit votes for a political cause, both, I maintain, are absolutely ludicrous. After months of trying to get the results of the bogus IG complaint, I finally obtained a copy of it. Interesting what an Army Times article can accomplish. I’ve since forwarded that nearly 100-page document to my military lawyer for advice on how to move forward on that front. Suffice it to say that everything that could possibly be taken out of context when separated from the post as a whole WAS taken out of context and used in a vindictive, political manner. The school issue is a whole other problem that adds to the problems with poor leadership.

I want to personally thank all the military and civilian bloggers out there that have taken up this cause and support me and my family through this difficult time. It’s been humbling to see the outpouring of support from across the country and around the world. My inbox has exploded with positive and encouraging words of support (and some not-so-supportive). I will never be able to repay what you have done for me, but I will never give up trying! Thank you.

United with CJ

December 16th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »

The milblogging community has been very supportive of CJ and all of ASP over the last few weeks as we have dealt our closing, purchase, reopenning, the Army Times article, and all the school/PTA business. I really wish I could express to each and every single one of them personally how appreciative we are, but I would spend the rest of my life saying, “Thank you.”

Starting today, many of the milblogs you have grown to love are going silent to take a stand for CJ. They want everyone to know what it would be like without milblogs for one day. That is one day that the awesome stories of your troops getting the job done won’t get out because we all know the MSM won’t pick up the slack. That is one day that you will have to depend on the crap from other sources and not the awesomeness straight from the people in the know. What will it be like without us?

With that, ASP will also be going silent until at least Friday. CJ, we support you!

Update: Full press release is now below the fold and participating blogs above.

Participating Blogs (in no particular order):
This Ain’t Hell
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Drunken Wisdom
Grim’s Hall
CDR Salamander
You Served
Pepple Drops
Chromed Curses
Homefront Six
Delta Bravo Sierra
Yankee Mom
Knee Deep in the Hooah!
Assoluta Tranquillita
Wake up America
Miss Beth’s Victory Dance
Soldier’s Angels NY
Hugh Hewitt
My Own Political Party
The Pink Flamingo
Winds of Change
Registered Evil
Beer Brains
Right Wing Right Minded
Storm’n Norm’n
Confederate Yankee
The Sniper
Free Republic
Another Voice
United Conservatives
Support Your Local Gunfighter
Knotties Niche



Milblogs Go Silent
On Wednesday 16 December 2009, many milblogs — including This Ain’t Hell, From My Position, Blackfive, Miss Ladybug, Boston Maggie, Grim’s Hall, and those participating in the Wednesday Hero program — are going silent for the day. Some are choosing to go silent for a longer period of time.

The reason for this is two-fold. First, milblogs are facing an increasingly hostile environment from within the military. While senior leadership has embraced blogging and social media, many field grade officers and senior NCOs do not embrace the concept. From general apathy in not wanting to deal with the issue to outright hositility to it, many commands are not only failing to support such activities, but are aggressively acting against active duty milbloggers, milspouses, and others. The number of such incidents appears to be growing, with milbloggers receiving reprimands, verbal and written, not only for their activities but those of spouses and supporters.

The catalyst has been the treatment of milblogger C.J. Grisham of A Soldier’s Perspective ( C.J. has earned accolades and respect, from the White House on down for his honest, and sometimes blunt, discussion of issues — particularly PTSD. In the last few months, C.J. has seen an issue with a local school taken to his command who failed to back him, and has even seen his effort to deal with PTSD, and lead his men in same by example, used against him as a part of this. Ultimately, C.J. has had to sell his blog to help raise funds for his defense in this matter.

An excellent story on the situation with C.J. can be found at Military Times: While there have been new developments, the core problem remains, and C.J. is having to raise funds to cover legal expenses to protect both his good name and his career.

One need only look at the number of blogs by active duty military in combat zones and compare it to just a few years ago to see the chilling effect that is taking place.

Milblogs have been a vital link in getting accurate news and information about the military, and military operations, to the public. They have provided vital context and analysis on issues critical to operations and to the informed electorate critical to the Republic.

On Wednesday 16 December, readers will have the chance to imagine a world without milblogs, and to do something about it. Those participating are urging their readers to contact their elected representatives in Congress, and to let their opinions be known to them and to other leaders in Washington.

Some milblogs will remain silent for several days; some just for the day. All have agreed to keep the post about the silence and C.J. at the top of their blogs until Friday 18 December. The issues go beyond C.J., and deserve careful consideration and discussion. We hope that you will cover this event, and explore the issues that lie at the heart of the matter. Contact the milbloggers in your area or that you know, and hear the story that lies within.

A Partial List of Participating Blogs:

This Ain’t Hell
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Drunken Wisdom
Grim’s Hall
CDR Salamander

Grisham Legal Fund
c/o Redstone Federal Credit Union
220 Wynn Drive
Huntsville, AL 35893
Please write “Grisham Legal Fund” in the memo line if you use this option.

Milblogs have been a vital link in getting accurate news and information about the military, and military operations, to you. Today, many milblogs are gone and others are under attack from within and without. Today, you have the chance to imagine a world without milblogs, and to do something
about it. Make your voice heard by writing your congressional representatives and others, and by making donations as you see fit.

The battle for freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas is fought on many fronts and in many ways. Without your help, the battle may well be

Mr Wolf

Blogger Landmines

December 10th, 2009 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 2 Comments »


I have been writing on and off for four years now and one of the things in the back of mind is “Will I get hammered for this?” There are opinions that I feel very strongly about and have put words to paper but after running them by my parents (who usually have the first chop on my posts) for a sanity check, I will delete or change some stuff around.  You have to worry about giving info to the enemy, comfort to the wacko left wing nut jobs or violating one of the six million rules in the Military on social media that have cropped up.

Why do I bring this up?  My friend C.J. Grisham, over at A Soldier’s Perspective, has been battling with the local PTA on their decision to implement school uniforms on the kids there in the middle of the school year.  You can read the problems on his website he has experienced with these banjo playing hicks down in Alabama, but the real problem is with what they did to him when he exposed their antics on his site.  They filed a complaint with his command about this highly decorated Senior Staff NCO which led to numerous allegations and investigations against C.J. and caused him to be removed from his job and placed in another “holding tank” position until he PCS’s to Fort Hood this Spring (by the way CJ, you will stop by for a beer, that’s an order! Ha!).


Something most folks don’t realize in the civilian world is that we live by a totally different set of rules in the Military.  What seems trivial to the average citizen can led to serious problems in the Military.  If Tiger Woods gets caught having an affair with another woman (Ops sorry, multiple women) or Joe Smuckatelly not as famous, gets caught, what happens to him legally? Well nothing but a good old fashion divorce and life goes on at his job etc.  In the Military for example, you would get hauled up on charges of Adultery, Conduct unbecoming of an Officer of SNCO/NCO/Marine and it can go to a court marshal.  Sound harsh? You betcha!  The Corps holds it’s guys to a higher standard then the other services and can be very harsh.  I remember a Marine Captain who had an affair with a young Enlisted Navy gal in the hospital at Cherry Point.  They put him on trial for Rape (which was later dropped to assault-he gave her herpes) Conduct unbecoming of an Officer, Fraternization and a couple other charges thrown in there.  It went to a general court marshal where they ended up putting him in jail at Fort Leavenworth for three years.  Can you imagine making politicians subscribe to the same justice system? Now do you understand why so many folks in the Military disliked the Clinton years? When nothing happens to the Commander in Chief of our troops for adultery, and yet you would lose your job or possibly face jail time, it makes you a bit pissed. Do as I say, not as I do.


Now in the case of C.J., the PTA took advantage of a “Boss” the U.S. Army, who holds the ultimate hammer of justice over the head of this Soldier and every other person in the service who starts up a blog and voices an opinion or the truth.  Your best source of information come from these websites as they write about their daily routines so that folks and family back home can keep up with them while the deployment slowly ticks by.  The Greyhawk’s run the “Mudville Gazette,” a great place to start off your day since they roundup all the new posts worth reading around the world for you in a daily update.  Just keep in mind that while on active duty, these brave men and women walk on a dangerous thin line with their jobs and careers by writing.  If you have a chance, please go to CJ’s website linked above and on the right side of my site and give him some much deserved support!  As a field grade officer, I wish that my Army peers could step back and realize the mistake they are making with this OUTSTANDING SNCO.  They are using a hammer over a senseless situation that a fly swatter would be better suited.  How about a proper “Go pound sand you hicks!” That would be better.


When I retire, I will relish that day so that I can speak my mind and not be restrained by the rules in place at this time.  I only wanted you as “Joe average Citizen” to understand the legal landmines we face in this new world of information where an email has the half life of an Atom and Facebook can get you investigated by the Secret Service or a battle documented on your website with the local PTA can get you fired from your job. Oh well, until that day in 2011 when I retire from the Corps, you will have to standby…

Semper Fi,



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