Military stories from past to present, both wars.

Call to action: Military Children in Hawaii

October 18th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

I wanted to pass on these posts about the education of our kids in Hawaii.  You may ask why a Marine cares about this from Texas?  Well, I have a daughter living in Hawaii and this stuff applies to her.  Major Ziergnfoos who is the 25th Infantry Division’s Strategic Communications guy forwarded these posts and I felt it was pretty important to put the word out.  So if you are in Hawaii and would like to take this survey, please click on the links below. 

Semper Fi,


MG Champoux’s post is below:

A Call to Action – Military Children in Hawaii

We’ve known for decades that Hawaii is a great assignment – except for the schools. The lack of quality public education in Hawaii is an assignment deterrent for many and a constant quality of life issue for those assigned here.

We now have a unique opportunity to inform and influence the education of our children in Hawaii and perhaps all children in Hawaii. U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM)has teamed up with John Hopkins University for the first-ever “Military Child in Hawaii” study. All Soldiers with school age children, assigned in Hawaii , are invited to participate, whether your children are in public, private, charter, home school, or off-island. We need you to speak up and be heard.

Soldiers and family members can expect to make many sacrifices in the service of our Nation, but your children’s education isn’t one of them. I urge you to take this survey, and allow your children 10 years and older, to take this survey. To sign up for this survey, simply go to

Thank you

A Call to Action – Military Children in Hawaii

We’ve known for decades that Hawaii is a great assignment – except for the schools. The lack of quality public education in Hawaii is an assignment deterrent for many and a constant quality of life issue for those assigned here.

We now have a unique opportunity to inform and influence the education of our children in Hawaii and perhaps all children in Hawaii. U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM)has teamed up with John Hopkins University for the first-ever “Military Child in Hawaii” study. All Soldiers with school age children, assigned in Hawaii , are invited to participate, whether your children are in public, private, charter, home school, or off-island. We need you to speak up and be heard.

Soldiers and family members can expect to make many sacrifices in the service of our Nation, but your children’s education isn’t one of them. I urge you to take this survey, and allow your children 10 years and older, to take this survey. To sign up for this survey, simply go to

Thank you


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Marine UAV’s “Tic, Tic, Tic”

October 16th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »
Marine UAV's

Marine UAV's Tic TIC TIC

What I know about UAV’S…

I don’t think this will win any contests, but watching some UAV footage on T.V. today reminded me of a somewhat funny story.  While in Iraq, at a base that will remain nameless, I went to visit a buddy of mine who was the XO for a Marine UAV Squadron.  I had a habit of parking on the flight-line by UAV runway in my SUV and coming in the back door by the command center.

As I walked in, I saw one of the Marines jumped up to shout through the hatch to the office next door “TIC, TIC, TIC” which got my pulse going because that meant “Troops in contact” and you would be watching a firefight from above.  They had six big flat screen T.V.’s mounted on the wall showing various things like the track of the bird, maps, and other things. On the main screen I saw the UAV circling around one of those big ass bunkers/hangers that are located on all the bases that the French built for Saddam in the 90’s.  The camera began to zoom in on the top of the bunker where there was an old AA gun pit. It had sandbags as walls that were about three feet high (from having climbed up to check one out) and spread out inside of this post were three young girls in the buff catching some sun.  What they didn’t realize was this was on the approach path of the UAV which was only at maybe 1,500 feet overhead.  They had their eyes closed, white cords going from their earbuds to an ipod and they were unaware of the buzzing of the plane overhead.

As they zeroed in on the three babes, you could see their different tattoos plain as day on places most wouldn’t see them unless they were dating.  Their M-16’s were leaning against the wall with Army PT gear and other unmentionables close at hand.  One of the Marines was clicking away on his computer and I heard the printer come out of hibernation as it produced some nice images.  I realized that this was probably a good time to announce myself and said, “Hey Marines, thought I heard a TIC was going on but this isn’t what I thought it would be.”

The six young enlisted Marines were VERY surprised and one with a sheepish grin said “Sir, we call this one – Telephoto In-Cognito, hence TIC.”  I of course reminded them this was probably wrong and they could get in trouble but asked for copies of the photos… (not really)

Turns out they would go to the Army’s chow hall just to try to pick them out of the line up of Army gals there.  So, while this wasn’t official use of the UAV, I can attest to them being outstanding platforms for surveillance!!!  Also, if you are over in the war, remember this, boys will be boys and Uncle Sugar is always watching.

Semper Fi,


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You Served Blog talk Radio

October 14th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 2 Comments »

Hey guys, there is a Blog conference out in Vegas right now and they have a live stream going. Please go check this out.

YouServed Radio.  Troy and a whole bunch of great folks are out there right now.  Enjoy the conference!!

Semper Fi,


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VFW: Better know who you support.

October 11th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

VFW: Better know who you support.

 I have a friend in N.C. who I served with back at Cherry Point and then over in Iraq named “Spook.”  He is incredibly smart like the character in the TV show and I value his opinion greatly.  Spook wrote me the other day to convey his dismay over the huge faux pas the VFW has committed with it’s PAC ( and their endorsement of folks like Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid and Ron Klein who is running against my hero LTC Allen West. 

 There have been numerous posts about this over at Blackfive and This ain’t Hell giving you a great insight into how VETS truly feel about what is going on. If you have a minute, please read them.
Another Blackfive post:
ThisAin’tHell blog post:

 Back to LTC West, Spook worked with him and here is what he had to say about this OUTSTANDING OFFICER:

 “I had the opportunity to work pretty closely with Al West when he was the Force Fires Officer
for II MEF back in the 2001/2002 timeframe.  My impression then was that he was an outstanding officer, truly one of the Army’s best. Watching him in politics now, I can assure you he is the “real deal.” 

 So the leadership of the VFW better wake up when they are supporting the likes of Klein over a proven combat leader who “oh by the way” is also a member of the VFW.  This will have severe repercussions for them as they try recruit new members. I can tell you that my money will not go to the VFW and I’m also close to leaving the NRA for the exact same reasons. The VFW came out with a letter saying they will bring it up next convention, but I’m sorry, that is too little too late.

 That being said, go read Blackfive and This Ain’t Hell, they are friends with some great insights.  Spook, thanks for your letter, you are a great friend.

Semper Fi,


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John Rodiguez busted and in the big house

October 6th, 2010 Posted in Military, The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Lately it seems that the Stolen Valor (SV) law has produced a series of lame cases in which the accused has been let off with a slap on the wrist. This insults the dignity of most true service members I know and to add insult to injury, a judge recently over turned a verdict saying this turd in Colorado had the right to make his claims under the 1st amendment.

Yesterday, a judge in Phoenix handed out a 7 ½ year sentence to John W. Rodiguez for impersonating a Marine and trying to scheme money out of folks. If I ever meet this judge, I’d like to buy him a few beers. Rodiguez was found guilty of 12 counts ranging from SV to fraud as he tried to parley his con into money or benefits.

1. Count 1: Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (TriWest Healthcare Alliance – 01/26/2005), Guilty

Count 2: Forgery (TriWest Healthcare Alliance Application – 01/06/2005), Guilty

Count 3: Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (Department of Defense Office Personnel Management – 04/07/2005), Guilty

Count 4: Forgery (Department of Defense Office Personnel Management Public Trust Position Application – 04/07/2005), Guilty

Count 5: Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (Maricopa County Republican Committee – 01/19/2008), Guilty

Count 6: Forgery (Maricopa County Official Write in Candidate Nomination Paper and Affidavit of Qualification – 01/19/2008), Guilty

Count 7: Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (Arizona Department of Transportation – Motor Vehicle Division – 01/26/2008), Guilty

Count 8: Forgery (Arizona State Identification Card Application – 03/26/2008), Guilty

Count 9: Fraudulent Schemes and Practices (Arizona State Identification Card Application – 03/26/2008), Guilty

Count 10: Presentment of a False Instrument for Filing (Arizona State Identification Card Application – 03/26/2008), Guilty

Count 11: Fraudulent Schemes and Practices (Request to Quash Warrant – Submitted to Maricopa County Superior Court – 11/17/2008),Guilty

Count 12: Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (Southwest Airlines – Between 05/26/2009 and 06/10/2009), Guilty

I see more and more of these cases hitting the radar as the war in the Middle East continues. Once again, they detract from the guys and gals who truly are in need of treatment and help. Last weekend, a good friend of mine who served with me in ’08 over in Kabul, flew up to see me from San Antonio for a visit. He was hit by an IED five months ago during convoy ops and is currently undergoing experimental treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that involves a pressure chamber.

These posers out there want to dress up like a Marine or Soldier, so when they are caught, I say don’t put them in jail. Send them over to Afghanistan and let them clear the roads with a garden spade and weed hoe looking for IED’s. Have them truly earn the right to wear that uniform and incur all the dangers associated with being in the military.

I have no sympathy for any of these turds and will drop whatever I’m doing to help expose them to the public for the frauds they are with no regrets. If you decide you want to one of us, don’t pretend, just email me so I can put you in touch with a recruiter. If you want to the other route and pretend, then don’t be surprised if I start digging into your Sh** and your photo shows up on my webpage.

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Gina Elise Needs some help

October 5th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

Hey guys,

There is a gal I met last year at the Mil Blog conference in DC named Gina Elise and she is a Super American. Pepsi-Cola corporation has an initiative called the Pepsi refresh project which will give $50,000 to a charity that works in the area of healthcare. Gina’s charity, is in the running but she needs your help. She needs your votes. Check out “You Served” to learn more about what she plans to do with the money if she wins.  She is doing a great thing and as a person someone I liked alot so if you have a minute, please vote for her.

 head to and watch the video there and learn how you can vote. It can be done on the website or by texting 103020 to 73774 on your cell phone. Please help me out by helping Gina out. She is an awesome person with a heart of gold. I have been with her at Walter Reed and seen first-hand how she brings joy, smiles and high morale to our wounded warriors past and present.

Last but not least, Gina will be joining us on Radio this Tuesday (Oct 5th) from 8-10PM EST to talk about this initiative and what she plans to do with the money if she wins.

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The Islamic Elephant in the room!!

September 22nd, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 8 Comments »

Burka Babe near Downtown Fort Worth TX


The Islamic Elephant in the Room,

 Have you ever heard the old English expression about “The Elephant in the Room?” That’s when there is a topic so toxic that no one wants to bring it out in the open for fear of upsetting people. I thought of this idiom in relation to Islam, and how so many people can not bring themselves to see the dark underbelly of that religion. A family friend of ours recently posted something on his Facebook account that caught my attention and made me think of that saying…

 “Anyone who is scared of a Muslim because they are a Muslim is a coward. Anyone who hates a Muslim because they are a Muslim is a coward. Anyone who wants to kill Muslims because they are Muslim also = a Coward. Scared Americans, take a deep breath and have a little courage.”

 Now Mike (not his real name) is a “working actor” who has played key roles as a Marine in two of my favorite shows, “JAG” and “NCIS” with that Marine poster boy gusto that I wish I had, and I am a Marine!

 His statement made for a weeklong discussion, and I felt bad as his page was hijacked by the entire constant back and forth between me and his friends.  The sensitive subject of the Muslim faith and the fear it seems to cause really made me think.  My experience with Muslims overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan has given me a different insight into this faith than those who have interacted with them in the States.  As President Obama likes to say, “Let me be perfectly clear.” I am not anti-Muslim, but I do dislike certain aspects of this religion (Sharia law, force/arranged marriages/treatment of women etc) that mainly applies to areas outside of the United States, but which is making inroads into our culture.

 Recently another cartoonist, Molly Norris, had to go into hiding because of death threats made to her after her “Draw Muhammad day” cartoon came out in April.  I find it amusing that a “religion of peace” can issue death threats to someone over a cartoon.  It doesn’t make sense to me.  I also find the double standard applied to Christianity funny, too.  In the West, you can have a church next to a mosque or a synagogue, and no one says a thing, but name one church in Saudi Arabia, that I could attend worship in if I was on vacation or on business over there.  You can’t because Christianity is illegal in most Islamic countries.  You can be arrested for just having a bible or executed by a rabid  “overzealous” Muslim like the female missionary who was abducted and murdered when I was in Kabul.

 Now that “Pastor” in Gainesville, Florida, who wanted to have a “burn the Quran day,” was way out of line, in my mind.  I think it would be disrespectful to Muslims, put our troops and foreign policy in jeopardy, and bring a Jihad to his church.  It is within his rights to do so in the United States under our laws, but not advised. 

 I also think that building a mosque anywhere near ground zero is insensitive to most Americans and while they have the right to do so, it would be inappropriate. Once again, could you build a church next to Mecca? Not a chance.

 I digressed a bit, the discussion went all over the place from Henry Ford being anti-Semitic (don’t recall Jews blowing themselves up or stoning women) to the practice of forced arranged marriages.  One gal replied that our country was based on arranged marriages in the 1700/1800’s and she knows lots of people who are happily married in arranged marriages. I agree this happened in early America when you dated a girl within a three-mile radius of your farm (guess the same could be said in Afghanistan–dating a girl within a three-mile donkey ride since most of them live in the 1400’s).  I know a lot of people and can’t say that I’ve heard of one arranged marriage yet.  Do you know of any?  If they happen, I’m willing to bet the folks involved aren’t from the United States originally, but from India or the Middle East.  She argued that arranged marriages were a good thing, and on a comeback in the real world.  I asked if she endorsed the practice and I’m not talking about getting set up a date. I mean your folks tell you to return home and get married to Joe Smuckatelly.  Of course it was good for others, but not for her since that means leaving L.A. and her acting career.

 That is the sort of problem we face now days as a nation.  America is like the Middle East in the sense that they only know what the Imam tells them, we only know what CNN or Fox News wants us to know.  If you are liberal and worship Bill Maher, then Islam is a good thing, and can do no wrong, whereas Fox might show the downside of Sharia law.  The press as a whole tends to ignore the negative aspects of this religion probably to avoid getting death threats from its “peaceful” members.

 Our actor friend was put to task by Moi,

 “Mike, you play a great Marine on TV and I’m proud as hell of you and what you have done. I would also be honored if you ever wanted to join the Corps, being on recruiting duty right now, I could hook you up. All I ask is for one tour over there to see some average scary bad guys and what they like to do. I have no problem with Muslims in America; they have their eyes opened and embrace it pretty well. It’s when smart men who were just your average guy get twisted, and decide to strap a bomb on their waist and blow up a subway or bus like in London. Don’t see a lot of American’s doing that in the name of Jesus.”

 I don’t think he’ll accept my offer with a budding career and a young child at home and I can’t blame him.  I left my kids the first time ages six months and 27 months old to head out to Iraq and it sucked.  Worse was the second time for my tour in Afghanistan.  I offered his Hollywood and NYC friends the chance to be an NGO or UN worker and got no takers.  Remember, it’s easy to talk a big game sitting in the comfort of your house watching Bill Maher on the 52” flat screen; it’s another to leave your family, and roll the dice you won’t be killed or maimed by those who do the bidding in the name of religion. A religion that has proven over time to cause some of its members to become extreme, hence the Islamic “Elephant in the room” no one wants to talk about when it causes someone to go from “I’m a peaceful Muslim” to “Kill/Jihad/praise be to Allah” and boom there’s a bomb or death threat.  Maybe another topic could be called “When good Muslims go bad.”  I think we could have thousands of examples of this vice the hand full “When Christians go bad.” (Hollywood folks seem to think being Christian is a bad thing, but if they ever were deployed, they would realize there are no such things as atheist in a foxhole.)

 Please feel free to give me and the other readers your thoughts on the subject.  Do you fear the spread of Islam or Sharia Law?  Why?  Do you think Sharia law should be tolerated and protected in the US even though we would lose our liberties and the Constitution would be trashed? 

 One good point brought up was that people truly feared religion (and spread this fear) in the 60’s when JFK was elected and thought that the Pope would rule the U.S. through a Catholic President.  Is this the same thing?

 I look forward to the dialogue!

Semper Fi,


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9-11 never forgotten because of friends like John

September 11th, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | 1 Comment »

Today is September 11, 2010, and it’s hard to believe that nine years has passed since that miserable week that was to forever change the lives of our world.  Most people had one or two friends that they knew who were in the attacks and it may be a silent prayer that passes their lips except for one man I know.  John Mininno.

 John is a lawyer in the Philly area who has taken on a crusade of types to raise funds to build a statue of Mike Horrocks who was the First Officer on United 175.  Between golf tournaments, fundraisers, bricks and tee shirts, he has raised enough money to build and dedicate a statue of Mike at the West Chester University where he attended in the 80’s.  Our old Sqd, VMGR 252 will provide a flyover of the new KC-130J’s today at 1030am.

 Our friends who suffered in the attack on our country will never be forgotten when they have friends like John Mininno standing by.  John, you are on the list of Great Americans and truly dedicated friends. 

 Semper Fi,


 Ps, if you still want to buy a shirt for Mike’s cause, here is the link

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Old Iraqi post

September 1st, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

This was a letter that I found from TQ Iraq in 05.  It started from something I witnessed one night and got me thinking. Of course this is my fantasy of what happens to the smucks who build the bombs…          

  Lately we have seen a number of Terrorist IED’s going off prematurely (premature Detention).  I did a little research and after hanging out in a local Mosque off base I found the answer.  How could I do such a thing???  It was easy to talk to these guys, I just printed up some fake press cred’s from the L.A. times on the computer. They treated me like a long lost brother and after eating some roasted goat and drinking tea with these bubba’s I have found out what their problem is.   I met a student fresh from graduation and about to take his FINAL exam.  Mohammad Ackmed Jabooty-fas-extreme, told me that while attending terrorist school they also have to go to prayer like 5 times a day.  It’s after the noon prayer on Fridays when they get all worked up to go Jihad on some unsuspecting infidel; they just sort of forget what they learned in their week of terrorist training camp. 

 I can imagine what the inner thoughts of these guys are, something along the lines of “Oh pray be to Allah, thank you for letting me take myself out of the gene pool, I will serve you…Camel dung, I know they said to place the red wire on the positive terminal.  Is that right? No, did they say right on red?  No that was traffic school.  Rats, what was that little silly poem they gave me?  What aren’t the leaders out here doing this?  Why aren’t they putting these wires together?  Oh yeah, I forgot they say their turn is next week.  What was that poem now? Red on yellow, see your virgins flower.  No, that’s not right…” 

            This guy is now pitting his shirt wishing he had studied harder instead of reading the Koran and playing hide the sausage with his lab partner Ackmed.  His buddy is on the look out for any Marines coming down the road.  Unknown to them they are being observed and their actions recorded by a high flying UAV overhead.  In a trailer a few hundred miles away, two Marines are watching these guys do their little their little dance around the hole on their giant flat screen T.V. screen.  The Marine on the left points at the guy next to the bomb, “hey zoom in on that guy” as the picture expands in enough to read the time on his watch, he says “Look at that, I think he’s about to put the wrong wire on the positive terminal.” 

            Back at the hole on the side of the road, Omar walks up to his buddy and says, “Hurry, Hurry, I don’t like being out here this long!!  Besides my tea is getting cold Hurry!!  His buddy makes the fateful decision, “yes this must be the right one!”  Then everything disappears in a cloud of dust as these two chuckleheads are atomized into little tiny pieces of sand.  The two Marines in the control center comment to the Major who just walked in “Hey Sir, know what the best part about this stuff?  It’s like T.V. but there are no commercials!”

            So after much research and risk to my safety, I have figured out what is the problem with these guys.  O.K. really after waking from my MORP (Marine Officer Rest Period- a Nap) I remembered my dream  Take care and I’ll talk to you soon,



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Marines OnLine, FYI

August 31st, 2010 Posted in The SandGram v1.0 | No Comments »

I haven’t  written much lately, been a busy summer flying around all over the place. This is an interesting piece that came out for Marines. If you are a Marine, please read this info, it may save you from having the boss calling you one morning.



22 August 2010


1.  Overview

a.  This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics.   (The term “Marines” on this guidance refers to active-duty and reserve Marines and sailors).

“Unofficial Internet posts,” referred to below, are considered any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in an unofficial and personal capacity. Content includes, but is not limited to, personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics.  Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or controlled by the Marine Corps or Department of Defense.

b.  Unofficial Internet posts are not initiated by any part of the Marine Corps or reviewed within any official Marine Corps approval process. By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities.  Policy for Family Readiness Officers will be provided in separate guidance.

c.  In accordance with these guidelines, Marines are encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial Internet posts about the Marine Corps and Marine Corps-related topics. The Marine Corps performs a valuable service around the world every day and Marines are often in the best position to share the Marine Corps’ story with the domestic and foreign publics.

2.  Guidelines

a.  Marines are personally responsible for all content they publish on social networking sites, blogs, or other websites. In addition to ensuring Marine Corps content is accurate and appropriate, Marines also must be thoughtful about the non-Marine related content they post, since the lines between a Marine’s personal and professional life often blur in the online space. Marines must be acutely aware that they lose control over content they post on the Internet and that many social media sites have policies that give these sites ownership of all content and information posted or stored on those systems. Thus Marines should use their best judgment at all times and keep in mind how the content of their posts will reflect upon themselves, their unit, and the Marine Corps.

b.  As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. Marines must abide by certain restrictions and policy to ensure good order and discipline.  Federal law, regulations and policies that directly impact a Marine’s conduct mandate personal standards of conduct, operational security, information assurance, release of personally identifiable information, ethics regulations, and the release of information to the public.  A Marine who violates Federal law, regulations or policies through inappropriate personal online activity is subject to disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). See the references listed below for more details.

c.  Marines who communicate online about the Marine Corps in unofficial Internet posts may identify themselves as Marines, to include their rank, military component (e.g., Captain Smith, USMC), and status (active or reserve) if desired. However, if Marines decide not to identify themselves as Marines, they should not disguise, impersonate or otherwise misrepresent their identity or affiliation with the Marine Corps. When expressing personal opinions, Marines should make clear that they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of the Marine Corps. Use a disclaimer such as: “the postings on this site are my own and don’t represent Marine Corps’ positions or opinions.”

d.  As with other forms of personal public engagement, Marines should avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the Marine Corps. This behavior includes posting any defamatory, libelous, obscene, abusive, threatening, racially or ethnically hateful, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material.

e.  Marines shall not post classified, controlled unclassified information (CUI), or sensitive information (for example, tactics, troop movements, force size, weapon system details, etc). When in doubt, Marines should contact the unit operations officer, security officer, intelligence officer, or public affairs officer for guidance.

f.  Marines should be extremely judicious when disclosing personal details on the Internet, and should not release personal identifiable information (PII) that could be used to distinguish their individual identity or that of another Marine. Examples of PII include a Marine’s social security number, home address, birthday, birth place, driver’s license number, etc. Marines must be aware that criminals use the Internet to gain information for unscrupulous activities such as identity theft. By piecing together information provided on different websites, criminals can use information to, among other things, impersonate Marines and steal passwords. In addition, Marines should utilize privacy settings on social networking sites so posted personal information and photos can be viewed only by designated people. Remember, what happens online, is available to everyone, everywhere. There is no immediate assumption of privacy once users begin to interact with others online.

g.  Marines should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary, or personal rights of others.

h.  Marines should not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners.

i.  Marines may use the eagle, globe and anchor; coat of arms (ega in the center, encircled with words “United States – Marine Corps”); and other symbols in unofficial posts so long as the symbols are used in a manner that does not bring discredit upon the Corps, does not result in personal financial gain, or does not give the impression of official or implied endorsement.  Marines should contact HQMC Division of Public Affairs Trademark and Licensing office for further clarification or contact their local legal office for an ethics determination prior to engaging in Internet activity that could violate the standards of conduct.  Marines who violate the Marine Corps’ symbols (ega and/or coat of arms) are potentially subject to legal proceedings.

j.  The posting or disclosure of internal Marine Corps documents or information that the Marine Corps has not officially released to the public is prohibited. This policy applies no matter how a Marine comes into possession of a document. Examples include, but are not limited to, memos, e-mails, meeting notes, message traffic, white papers, public affairs guidance, pre-decisional materials, investigatory information, and proprietary information. Marines are also prohibited from releasing Marine Corps e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, or fax numbers not already authorized for public release.

k.  Marines should only discuss Marine Corps issues related to their professional expertise, personal experiences, or personal knowledge.

l.  Marines are encouraged to professionally and respectfully correct errors and misrepresentations made, by others, about the Marine Corps. Marines must remember however, to respond and act with their minds and not their emotions when posting content. Marines should refer to the chain of command or public affairs for guidance if uncertain about the need for or appropriateness of a response.

m.  Marines must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 when posting political content. Marines also should take care not to express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of any opinions, products or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the Marine Corps.

n.  Marines should be cautious and guard against cyber criminals and attackers by following sound security procedures (Questions regarding security issues can be directed to HQMC C4 Information Assurance personnel).  When using the Internet and social media, Marines should not click links or open attachments unless the source can be trusted. Oftentimes, cyber criminals pretend to be people they are not in order to deceive Marines into performing actions that launch cyber attacks, download viruses, and install malware and spyware onto computers.

o.  Marines should always use strong passwords (10-digit passwords comprised of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols) to protect their online / social media accounts from getting hacked. Marines also should frequently change their passwords.

p.  Marines should be thoughtful about who they allow to access their social media profiles and personal information (e.g., who Marines allow to be their “friend” on Facebook and thus allow access to their personal information). Marines should also recognize that social network “friends” and “followers” may potentially constitute relationships that could affect determinations in background investigations and periodic reinvestigations associated with security clearances.

q.  Marines must be careful about which online applications they use, since such applications often have access to a user’s personal information (e.g., third-party applications on Facebook).

r.  Marines should learn about and use the privacy settings on social media sites.

s.  Marines should review their accounts daily for possible use or changes by unauthorized users.

t.  Marines should install and maintain current anti-virus and anti-spyware software on their personal computers.

u.  For answers to social media questions, Marines should contact their local public affairs office; top level guidance, support and questions can be directed to the appropriate and applicable points of contact listed below:

3.  Points of Contact. To reduce the likelihood of email spam bot action, the “@” symbol in the e-mail addresses below is represented instead by the word “AT”. To email the points of contact below, use the @ symbol instead when pasting the address into your email client.

a.  Marine Corps Social Media Office
703-602-3013 or 5193
Marines AT

b.  Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office
Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL

c.  HQMC C4, Information Assurance
Diane.Clarke AT USMC.MIL

4.  References:

a.  Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based Capabilities
Directive Type Memorandum 09-026 (DTM 09-026)

b.  Joint Ethics Regulation
Department of Defense 5500.7-R

c.  Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces
Department of Defense Directive 1344.10

d.  Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces
Department of Defense Directive 1325.06

e.  Department of the Navy Privacy Program
Secretary of Navy Instruction 5211.5E

f.  Marine Corps Information Assurance Program
Marine Corps Order 5239.2

g.  Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release
Marine Corps Order 5230.18 5230.18.pdf

h.  Marine Corps Operations Security Program
Marine Corps Order 3070.2 3070.2.pdf

i.  Immediate Ban of Social Networking Sites on the Marine Corps Enterprise Network
MARADMIN 0458/09

j.  Responsible and Effective Use of Internet Based Capabilities

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